Persons shall qualify as State's Attorney,
and to administer the oaths of office to the
Person elected.
Sec. 9. The State's Attorney shall per-
form such duties and receive such salary
as shall be prescribed by Law; and if any
State's Attorney shall receive any other fee
or reward than such as is or may be
allowed by Law, he shall, on conviction
thereof, be removed from office; provided,
that the State's Attorney for Baltimore City
shall have the power to appoint a Deputy
and such other Assistants as the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City may authorize or
approve and until otherwise provided by
the General Assembly, the said State's
Attorney, Deputy and Assistants shall
receive the following annual salaries: State's
Attorney, seven thousand five hundred dol-
lars; Deputy State's Attorney, five thousand
dollars; Assistant State's Attorneys, four
thousand dollars each; said salaries, or such
salaries as the General Assembly may sub-
sequently provide, and such expenses for
conducting the office of the State's Attorney
as the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
may authorize or approve shall be paid by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to the extent that the total of them exceeds
the fees of his office, or as the General
Assembly shall otherwise provide, and the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall
not be liable for appearance fees to the
State's Attorney.
Sec. 10. No person shall be eligible to
the office of State's Attorney, who has not
been admitted to practice Law in this State,
and who has not resided, for at least two
years, in the county, or city, in which he
may be elected.
Sec. 11. In case of a vacancy in the
office of State's Attorney, or, of his removal
from the county, or city in which he shall
have been elected, or on his conviction as
herein specified, the said vacancy shall be
filled by the Judge or Judges resident in the
county or, if there be no resident Judge, the
Judge or Judges having jurisdiction in the
Circuit Court of the county in which the
vacancy occurs, or by the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City for a vacancy occurring
in Baltimore City, for the residue of the
term thus made vacant.
Sec. 12. The State's Attorney in each
County, and the City of Baltimore, shall
have authority to collect, and give receipt,