redrawn according to these standards prior
to the general election in 1972 and in every
tenth year thereafter.
Section 3.08. Congressional Redistricting
The commission on legislative redistricting
shall submit a congressional redistricting
plan to the governor, who shall transmit it to
the General Assembly by the first day of the
regular session in the year in which congres-
sional redistricting is to be effective. The
General Assembly shall enact either the com-
mission plan or a congressional redistricting
plan of its own.
Members of General Assembly
Section 3.09. Qualifications.
Sec. 9. No person shall be eligible as a
A senator or a delegate shall be a qualified
Senator or Delegate, who at the time of his
voter of the State at the time of his election
election, is not a citizen of the State of
or appointment, shall have been a resident
Maryland, and who has not resided therein,
of the State for at least two years immediate-
for at least three years, next preceding the
ly preceding his election or appointment,
day of his election, and the last year
and shall have been a resident of his senate
thereof, in the County, or in the Legislative
district for at least six months immediately
District of Baltimore City, which he may
preceding his election or appointment. If any
be chosen to represent, if such County, or
redistricting plan has been adopted within
Legislative District of said City, shall have
one year before a general election for mem-
been so long established; and if not, then
bers of the General Assembly, a candidate
in the County, or City, from which, in
for the office of senator or delegate may also
whole, or in part, the same may have been
seek election in any new senate district con-
formed; nor shall any person be eligible
taining fifty per cent or more of the
as a Senator, unless he shall have attained
population of the senate district in which he
the age of twenty-five years, nor as a
resided prior to redistricting. At the time of
Delegate, unless he shall have attained the
his election or appointment a senator shall
age of twenty-one years, at the time of his
have attained the age of twenty-five years,
and a delegate shall have attained the age of
twenty-one years.
Sec. 10. No member of Congress, or
person holding any civil, or military office
under the United States, shall be eligible
as a Senator, or Delegate; and if any person
shall after his election as Senator, or Dele-
gate, be elected to Congress, or be ap-
pointed to any office, civil, or military,
under the Government of the United States,
his acceptance thereof, shall vacate his seat.
Sec. 11. No Minister or Preacher of the
Gospel, or of any religious creed, or de-
nomination, and no person holding any civil
office of profit, or trust, under this State,
except Justices of the Peace, shall be eligible
as Senator, or Delegate.
Sec. 12. No Collector, Receiver, or
Holder of public money shall be eligible
as Senator or Delegate, or to any office of
profit, or trust, under this State, until he
shall have accounted for, and paid into