two distinct branches; a Senate, and a
House of Delegates, and shall be styled
the General Assembly of Maryland.
Sec. 56. The General Assembly shall have
power to pass all such Laws as may be
necessary and proper for carrying into
execution the powers vested, by this Con-
stitution, in any Department, or office of
the Government, and the duties imposed
upon them thereby.
Section 3.02. State Capital.
Declaration of Rights, Art. H. That
The capital of the State and the meeting
Annapolis be the place of meeting of the
place of the General Assembly shall be at
Legislature; and the Legislature ought not
to be convened, or held at any other place
but from evident necessity.
Section 3.03. Composition of the General
Sec. 5. The membership of the House of
Delegates shall consist of one hundred
The number of members of each house of
and twenty-three (123) Delegates, appor-
the General Assembly shall be prescribed by
tioned as follows: Calvert, Caroline, Charles,
law, but the number of delegates shall not
Howard, Kent, Queen Anne's, and St.
exceed one hundred twenty and the number
Mary's Counties, two Delegates each; Cecil,
of senators shall be one- third the number of
Garrett, Somerset, Talbot, and Worcester
delegates. Only one delegate shall represent a
Counties, three Delegates each; Carroll,
delegate district and only one senator shall
Dorchester, Harford, and Wicomico Coun-
represent a senate district. Each senate dis-
ties, four Delegates each; Allegany, Anne
trict shall consist of three whole delegate dis-
Arundel, Baltimore, Frederick, Montgomery,
Prince George's, and Washington Counties,
and each of the six Legislative Districts of
Baltimore City, six Delegates each.
Section 3.04. Legislative Districts.
Article I, sec. 1 ... and in case any
The State shall be divided by law into dis-
county, or city, shall be so divided as to
tricts for the election of members of the
form portions of different electoral districts,
Senate. Each senate district shall be subdivid-
for the election of Representatives in Con-
ed into three districts for the election of
gress, Senators, Delegates, or other Offi-
members of the House of Delegates. The
cers, ....
population represented by each senator shall
be substantially equal, as shall the popula-
tion represented by each delegate. Each dis-
trict shall consist of adjoining territory and
be compact in form. Due regard shall be giv-
en to natural boundaries and the boundaries
of political subdivisions. Boundaries of dis-
tricts shall be redrawn according to these
standards prior to the general election in
1982 and in every tenth year thereafter.
Art. III, sec. 2. The City of Baltimore
shall be divided into six legislative districts
as near as may be of equal population and
of contiguous territory, and each of said
legislative districts of Baltimore City, as
they may from time to time be laid out,
in accordance with the provisions hereof,
and each county in the State, shall be
entitled to one Senator, who shall be elected
by the qualified voters of the said legislative
districts of Baltimore City and of the
counties of the State, respectively, and
shall serve for four years from the date of
his election.
Sec. 4. The General Assembly shall have
the power to provide by Law, from time
to time, for altering and changing the
boundaries of the existing Legislative Dis-
tricts of the City of Baltimore, so as to