Section 2.12. Suspension.
Art. XVI, sec. 2. No law enacted by the
A law enacted by the General Assembly
General Assembly shall take effect until the
subject to referendum shall be suspendible
first day of June next after the session at
unless it is passed by the affirmative vote of
which it may be passed, unless it contain
three-fifths of all the members of each house
a Section declaring such law an emergency
and contains a section declaring it to be an
law and necessary for the immediate pres-
emergency law and necessary for the immedi-
ervation of the public health or safety, and
ate preservation of the public health or safe-
passed upon a yea and nay vote supported
ty. If one-half the required signatures are
by three-fifths of all the members elected
filed during the thirty days after a bill be-
to each of the two Houses of the General
comes law, the law, if suspendible, shall be
Assembly; provided, however, that said
suspended thereby through the sixtieth day
period of suspension may be extended as
after it became law. If the remaining re-
provided in Section 3 (b) hereof. If be-
quired signatures are filed by that sixtieth
fore said first day of June there shall have
day, the law shall continue to be suspended.
been filed with the Secretary of the State a
petition to refer to a vote of the people
any law or part of a law capable of
referendum, as in this Article provided, the
same shall be referred by the Secretary
of State to such vote, and shall not become
a law or take effect until thirty days after
its approval by a majority of the electors
voting thereon at the next ensuing election
held throughout the State for Members of
the House of Representatives of the United
States. An emergency law shall remain in
force notwithstanding such petition, but
shall stand repealed thirty days after having
been rejected by a majority of the qualified
electors voting thereon; provided, however,
that no measure creating or abolishing any
office, or changing the salary, term or duty
of any officer, or granting any franchise
or special privilege, or creating any vested
right or interest, shall be enacted as an
emergency law.......
Section 2.13. Effect of Referendum.
Art. XVI, sec. 5. (a) The General As-
A referred law shall be repealed thirty days
sembly shall provide for furnishing the
after it has been rejected by a majority of
voters of the State the text of all measures
those voting on it if the number voting on
the question is not less than one-fourth the
to be voted upon by the people; provided,
that until otherwise provided by law the
number voting in the election. A suspended
same shall be published in the manner
law which is not repealed shall take effect
prescribed by Article XIV of the Constitu-
thirty days after the referendum or at a later
time if prescribed in the law.
tion for the publication of proposed Con-
stitutional Amendments.
(b) All laws referred under the provi-
sions of this Article shall be submitted
separately on the ballots to the voters of
the people, but if containing more than two
hundred words, the full text shall not be
printed on the official ballots, but the
Secretary of State shall prepare and submit
a ballot title of each such measure in such
form as to present the purpose of said
measure concisely and intelligently. The
ballot title may be distinct from the legisla-
tive title, but in any case the legislative