her of votes shall be elected to the offices for
more candidates shall have the highest and
which they were candidates.
an equal number of votes, a new election
shall be ordered by the Governor, except
in cases specially provided for by this
Section 2.10. Referendum.
Section 1. (a) The people reserve to
The people reserve to themselves the
themselves power known as The Referendum,
power of referendum. Any law enacted by
by petition to have submitted to the
the General Assembly may be petitioned to
registered voters of the State, to approve
referendum except laws for legislative appor-
or reject at the polls, any Act, or part
tionment and districting, or congressional
of any Act of the General Assembly, if
districting, or imposing a tax, or making an
approved by the Governor, or, if passed
appropriation for the state government or
by the General Assembly over the veto of
any public institution .
the Governor;
Sec. 2... . .No law making any appro-
priation for maintaining the State Govern-
ment, or for maintaining or aiding any
public institution, not exceeding the next
previous appropriation for the same pur-
pose, shall be subject to rejection or repeal
under this Section. The increase in any
such appropriation for maintaining or aid-
ing any public institution shall only take
effect as in the case of other laws, and
such increase or any part thereof specified
in the petition, may be referred to a vote
of the people upon petition.
Sec. 6. No law or Constitutional Amend-
ment, licensing, regulating, prohibiting, or
submitting to local option, the manufacture
or sale of malt or spirituous liquors, shall
be referred or repealed under any Act of
the provisions of this Article.
Section 2.11. Manner of Referral.
Art. XVI, sec. 3. (a) The referendum
A law, other than a law applicable in only
petition against an Act or part of an Act
one county, shall be referred to a vote of the
passed by the General Assembly, shall be
people after a petition has been signed by a
sufficient if signed by three per centum of
number of qualified voters equal to at least
the qualified voters of the State of Mary-
five per cent of the total votes cast for gover-
land, calculated upon the whole number
nor in the most recent gubernatorial elec-
of votes cast therein for Governor at the
tion. Not more than one-half of the required
last preceding Gubernatorial election, of
number of signatures shall be those of quali-
whom not more than half shall be residents
fied voters residing in any one county. If the
of Baltimore City, or of any one
total number of required signatures is filed
County; ....
with the governor within sixty days after the
(b) If more than one-half, but less than
bill becomes law, it shall be submitted to a
the full number of signatures required to
vote of the people at the next general elec-
tion held not less than four months after the
complete any referendum petition against
any law passed by the General Assembly, be
bill becomes law.
filed with Secretary of State before the first
day of June, the time for the law to take
effect, and for filing the remainder of
signatures to complete the petition shall
be extended to the thirtieth day of the
same month, with like effect.