ceedings in such suit, or action, issue, pre-
sentment or indictment may be so trans-
mitted shall hear and determine the same
in like manner as if such suit or action,
issue, presentment or indictment had been
originally instituted therein, and the Gen-
eral Assembly shall make such modification
of existing law as may be necessary to
regulate and give force to this provision.
Section 1.09. Self-incrimination.
Art. 22. That no man ought to be
No person shall be compelled in any crim-
compelled to give evidence against himself
inal case to be a witness against himself.
in a criminal case.
Section 1.10. Double Jeopardy.
No person shall be twice put in jeopardy
of criminal punishment for the same offense.
Section 1.11. Unusual Punishments.
Art. 16. That sanguinary Laws ought
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor
to be avoided as far as it is consistent
excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and un-
with the safety of the State; and no Law
usual punishments inflicted. Conviction of
to inflict cruel and unusual pains and
crime shall not work corruption of blood or
penalties ought to be made in any case,
forfeiture of estate.
or at any time, hereafter.
Art. 25. That excessive bail ought not
to be required, nor excessive fines imposed,
nor cruel or unusual punishment inflicted,
by the Courts of Law.
Art. 27. That no conviction shall work
corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate.
Section 1.12. Imprisonment for Debt.
Art. III, sec. 38. No person shall be
No person shall be imprisoned for debt,
imprisoned for debt, but a valid decree of
but an obligation for the support of a de-
a court of competent jurisdiction or agree-
pendent, or for alimony, created by a valid
ment approved by decree of said court for
decree of a court or created by an agreement
the support of a wife or dependent chil-
approved by decree of a court shall not con-
dren, or for the support of an illegitimate
stitute a debt within the meaning of this sec-
child or children, or for alimony, shall not
constitute a debt within the meaning of
this section.
Section 1.13. Jury Trial in Civil Cases.
Art. 5. That the Inhabitants of Mary-
Every person shall have the right of trial
land are entitled to the Common Law of
by jury of all issues of fact in civil proceed-
England, and the trial by Jury, according
ings at law in the courts of this State where
to the course of that Law, and to the
the amount or value in controversy exceeds
benefit of such of the English Statutes as
the minimum that the General Assembly
existed on the Fourth day of July, seven-
may prescribe by law. The jury shall consist
teen hundred and severity-six; and which,
of twelve, except that the General Assembly
by experience, have been found applicable
may provide by law for a jury of not less
to their local and other circumstances, and
than six nor more than twelve in the District
have been introduced, used and practiced
Court. A unanimous decision of the jury
by the Courts of Law or Equity; and also
shall be required to constitute its verdict.
of all Acts of Assembly in force on the
first day of June, eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven; except such as may have since
expired, or may be inconsistent with the