speedy and public trial by an impartial jury
and to a speedy trial by an impartial jury,
of twelve without whose unanimous consent
without whose unanimous consent he ought
he shall not be adjudged guilty.
not to be found guilty.
Art. 23. That no man ought to be taken
or imprisoned or disseized of his freehold,
liberties or privileges, or outlawed, or
exiled, or, in any manner, destroyed, or
deprived of his life, liberty or property,
but by the judgment of his peers, or by the
Law of the Land.
Art. XV, sec. 5. In the trial of all
criminal cases, the Jury shall be the Judges
of the Law, as well as of fact, except that
the Court may pass upon the sufficiency
of the evidence to sustain a conviction.
Section 1.08. Removal of Criminal Gases.
Art, IV, sec. 8. The parties to any
In a case involving a crime punishable by
cause may submit the same to the Court
death or life imprisonment, after suggestion
for determination without the aid of a jury,
in writing under oath by either party that
and in all suits or actions, at law issues
the party cannot have a fair and impartial
from the Orphans' Court, or from any court
trial in the county where the case is pending,
sitting in equity and in all cases of Present-
the court shall order the case removed to an-
ments or indictments for offences, which
other county for trial. Other criminal cases
may be removed only as permitted by the
are or may be punishable by death, pend-
ing in any of the courts of law in this
Court of Appeals by rule or by the General
State having jurisdiction thereof upon sug-
Assembly by law.
gestion in writing under oath of either of
the parties to said proceedings that such
party cannot have a fair and impartial
trial in the court in which the same may
be pending, the said court shall order and
direct the record of proceedings in such suit
or action, issue presentment, or indictment,
to be transmitted to some other court hav-
ing jurisdiction in such case for trial, but
in all other cases of presentment or indict-
ment, pending in any of the Courts of law
in this State having jurisdiction thereof, in
addition to the suggestion in writing of
either of the parties to such presentment
or indictment that such party cannot have
a fair and impartial trial in the court in
which the same may be pending, it shall
be necessary for the party making such
suggestion to make it satisfactorily appear
to the Court that such suggestion is true,
or that there is reasonable ground for the
same, and thereupon the said court shall
order and direct the record of proceedings
in such presentment or indictment to be
transmitted to some other Court having
jurisdiction in such cases for trial and such
right of removal shall exist upon suggestion
in cases where all the Judges of said Court
may be disqualified under the provisions
of this Constitution to sit in any such case
and said Court to which the record of pro-