6. Lt. Gov. JOHN HART (Prot), appointed by Baltimore and
Guilford as Surveyor General for Both Shores, 11 Oct. 1716; took
office 11 Jan. 1716/7; he relinquished the Western Shore Sur-
veyorship, 20 May 1717, but retained that of the Eastern Shore
until his return to England in May, 1720.
7. Col. THOMAS BROOKE II of Prince George's County (Prot.
convert, 3 of his brothers Jesuits, half brother of Mrs. Charles
Carroll), as President of the Council he was acting Surveyor
General of the Eastern Shore from Hart's departure until Calvert's
8. *Lt. Gov. CHARLES CALVERT (Prot.), arrived shortly before
October, 1720, and at once assumed this Surveyorship; in June,
1726, he exchanged it for the more lucrative Western Shore Sur-
9. MICHAEL HOWARD of Talbot County (Prot.), appointed by
Calvert shortly before 10 June 1726; died in office in August,
10. Col. JAMES HARRIS of Kent County (Prot.), com. 23 Aug.
1737 and again 29 Sept. 1742; died in office in Nov., 1743.
11. *BENJAMIN YOUNG, SR., of Prince George's County
(Prot., wife Cath.), com. 30 Sept. 1745; resigned in 1747 after
he was appointed a Judge of the Land Office.
12. Col. BENJAMIN TASKER, JR., of Annapolis (Prot., brother-
in-law of Lt. Gov. Ogle), appointed shortly before 10 Oct. 1747.
He was merely a nominal incumbent, for he paid all profits first
to *DAVID GRAHAM (who had married Baltimore's cousin
Charlotte Hyde) and after his death, about June, 1754, to Mrs.
Graham's brother-in-law, *CHARLES GRAHAM of Calvert County,
who supported her.
13. *Col. BENJAMIN YOUNG, JR., of Baltimore County (Prot.,
mother Cath.), appointed early in May, 1755; recom. 29 April
1773; in Nov., 1776, his office was abolished. An indolent but
agreeable man, Col. Young first obtained this post by marrying
Mrs. Graham and, after her death in 1757, retained it by marry-
ing at once Daniel Dulany's sister.
This office, omitted from the Constitution of 1776, was re-
established by an act of 22 Jan. 1782.