before January, 1740/1. He accompanied Lord Baltimore on his
visit to Maryland in 1732-33.
25. JOHN BROWNING of Morton Lodge, Epsom, Surrey (Prot,
married later, 13 May 1762, His Lordship's elder sister Louisa),
com. in or shortly before January, 1740/1; displaced to provide
for the Hon. Cecilius Calvert.
26. *Hon. CECILIUS CALVERT of London (Prot. convert,
mother Cath. convert; Lord Baltimore's uncle), com. by Frederick
and his guardians, John Sharpe and Arthur Onslow, 17 Aug.
1751, and again by His Lordship alone, 28 Feb. 1753; died in
office in October; 1765.
27. HUGH HAMERSLEY of Lincoln's Inn, London, and of
Pyrton Manor, Oxford (Prot.; the Calverts' family solicitor), com.
to succeed Calvert, 4 Nov. 1765; recom. by Henry Harford and
his guardians, of whom he was one, Sept., 1771; died in 1789.
1. ROBERT RIDGELY of St. Mary's City (Prot. ?) com. by
Secretary Sir William Talbot chief clerk of all his offices to act
as Talbot's deputy during the latter's absence from the province,
5 June 1671. He seems never to have used the style of " Deputy
Secretary "; after the revocation of Talbot's commission, shortly
before 25 April 1673, he ceased to act in this capacity.
2. Col. THOMAS BROOKE II of Prince George's County (Prot.
convert, 3 of his brothers Jesuits), appointed by Secretary Sir
Thomas Lawrence, 18 Oct. 1694, to act as Deputy Secretary and
Deputy Notary during Lawrence's absence in England; super-
seded by Sir Thomas's return in August, 1696.
3. Col. PHILEMON LLOYD II of Talbot County (Prot., mother
Cath.; brother of Maj. Gen. Edward Lloyd, President of the
Council), deputi2ed by Sir Thomas Lawrence on his final return
to England, 8 Jan. 1705/6; again by Beake and Lowe, 31 May
1715, and by Beake and Calvert, 30 Jan. 1729/30; died 19 March
1731/2. By virtue of his deputation from Beake and Lowe he
took possession of the Land Office and in June, 1717, assumed
the style of Judge of that office.
4. EDMUND JENINGS of Annapolis (Prot. ), com. by His Lord-
ship Deputy Secretary and Judge of the Land Office, 20 March