16. *Maj. NICHOLAS SEWALL and his brother-in-law, *Col.
WILLIAM DIGGES of St. Mary's County (Prot, wife and children
Cath. ), com. jointly, 12 Aug. and sworn 28 Nov. 1685; deprived
of office by the Committee of the Protestant Freemen, 1 Aug.
1689. The Secretaryship then fell into abeyance. Digges died in
1697 and Sewall in 1737.
17. Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE of Chelsea, Middlesex, Bart.
(Prot), com, by the crown, 5 Sept. 1691 and sworn 30 Sept.
1692; suspended from office, 27 March, and imprisoned 8 April
1693; released 22 Sept. 1693 and restored as Secretary on 2 May
1694. Went home to England in Oct., 1694, appointing Col.
Thomas Brooke II his deputy; returned to Maryland in Aug.,
1696; left again for England in May, 1698, and there resigned in
favor of his son.
18. THOMAS LAWRENCE, JR. of Annapolis (Prot. ), com. by
the crown, 20 Sept. 1698; sworn 18 March 1698/9; died of fever,
15 April 1701.
19. Col. WILLIAM BLADEN of Annapolis (Prot, wife Cath. ),
com. by Gov. Blakiston, 16 April and sworn 20 April 1701;
superseded by Lawrence.
20. Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE, Bart., com. by the crown 11 July
and sworn 19 Nov. 1701; returned to England in Jan., 1705/6,
leaving Col. Philemon Lloyd II his deputy; died at Chelsea in
April, 1714.
21. THOMAS BEAKE of London (Prot. ), com. by Queen Anne
prior to 20 June 1714. In return for a promise of the Secretary's
office for life he solicited and obtained restoration of the govern-
ment of Maryland to the Lords Baltimore.
22. THOMAS BEAKE and his brother-in-law, *CHARLES LOWE
of Denby, Derbyshire (Prot., His Lordship's second cousin) com.
jointly by Charles, Lord Baltimore, and Francis, Lord Guilford,
30 May 1715. Lowe died in office shortly before 3 April 1729.
(Prot. convert, mother Cath. convert; His Lordship's brother)
com. jointly 30 Jan. 1729/30. Beake probably died in or before
February, 1732/3.
24. *WILLIAM JANSSEN of London (Prot., Lady Baltimore's
brother), com. shortly before 23 Feb. 1732/3; died in office in or