style, be made a corporation and body politic, with all
the rights powers and privileges as by the original act
to which this is a supplement are given.
Passed June 13,
A supplement to the act entitled, An act to incor-
porate a bank to be called "The Farmers' Bank
of Somerset and Worcester.
Directors au-
thorised to ap-
point a presi-
dent and other
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the board of directors of the
bank appointed agreeably to the seventh section of the
said law, at their first meeting, and at their first meeting
after every annual election, shall have power to ap-
point a president for the said bank, and all other offi-
cers requisite for transacting the business of the com-
pany, and to allow such compensation for their servi-
ces respectively, as shall be reasonable. No director
shall be entitled to any emolument unless the same
shall have been allowed by the stock-holders at a gene-
ral meeting. The stock-holders shall make such com-
pensation to the president for his extraordinary at-
tendance at the bank, as shall appear to them reasona-
Passed June 13,
An act authorising an appropriation for the peni-
tentiary of" this state.
8000 dollars ap-
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the inspectors of the peniten-
tiary of this state, or any seven of them, be, and they
are hereby authorised, from time to time, to draw orders
on the treasurer of the Western Shore for any sums
of money not exceeding in the whole eight thousand
dollars, which orders the said treasurer is hereby re-
quired to pay out of any unappropriated money in the
treasury, to be applied by the said inspectors or a ma-
jority of them towards the purchase of tools, raw ma-
terials and provisions, or other necessary articles for
the use and benefit of the said penitentiary, in such
manner as they shaft direct and determine; and shall
be accounted for in such manner as is prescribed by
the act passed at November session eighteen hundred
and eleven, entitled, An act authorising appropria-
tions for the penitentiary of this state.