INDEX. 971
Leave granted the delegation from, to bring in
a bill to authorise the clerk of the Circuit court
for, to record a deed from Derr and wife, and Mil-
ler and wife, and others, to Adam Koogle, 65.
Bill reported favorable to sell and convey school
house and lot in district, No. 37, in, read first
and second time and passed, 212.
Favorable report on bill to require the clerk of
the Circuit court of, to make and prepare a gene-
ral index to the land records of, &c, 235; read
second time, and by special order and passed,
A bill from the Senate to make valid a deed
executed by George Warren and his wife, Eliza-
beth, to Samuel Arthur, referred to delegation
from, 348.
Favorable on bill to incorporate a company to
make a turnpike road in Frederick and Carroll
counties, to be called the Libertytown and Ridge-
ville Turnpike company, 386; read second time,
and by order and passed, 570.
Favorable report on bill to authorise the county
commissioners of, to levy a sum of money to con-
struct a bridge across Catoctin creek in, read first
time, and by special order and passed, 395.
Favorable report on bill to incorporate the
Junior Fire Company, of Frederick city in, 429;
read second time, and by order and passed, 695.
A bill from the Senate to incorporate the Far-
mers' and Mechanics' Mutual Insurance company
of, referred to, 437; favorably reported, 464.
A bill from the Senate to incorporate a com-
pany to build a Turnpike road from Libertytown
in, to intersect the Woodsborough and Frederick
Turnpike road, at or near Monocacy bridge, re-
ferred to, 437; favorably reported, 464.
Favorable report on bill to authorise the trus-
tees of Primary School district, No. 64, in, to sell
a School House in said district, read first time