The House met pursuant to adjournment.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Kilbourn, Speaker, Durant, Morgan, Rasin, Med-
ders, Welch, Mackubin, Briscoe, Parian, Compton, Burgess,
Ford, Worthington, Denison, of Baltimore co., Quinlan, Ren-
shaw, Jones, of Talbot, Chaplain, Dennis, of Somerset, Stan-
ford, Lawson, Linthicum, Keene, Holland, Wilson, of Cecil,
Maxwell, Miller, Bryan, Jones, of P. George's, Legg, Starkey,
Jacobs, Landing, Dennis, of Worcester, Kessler, Claggett,
Routzahn, Johnson, Salmon, Naill, Wilson, of Harford, Bay-
less, McCoy, Straughn, Goldsborough, Krafft, Booze, Seth,
Berry, Crowley, McAllister, Smith, Turner, or Baltimore city,
Denison, of Baltimore city, Coudy, Eakle, Brining, Stake,
Griffith, Harding, Gordon, Barnard, Beall, McCleary, Roop,
Gorsuch, Mills, Turner, of Howard, and Brown.
Mr. Salmon offered the following:
Ordered, That the Librarian be directed to purchase, for
the use of the General Assembly, one ream of bill paper and
two gross of steel pens, and the Governor be requested to pay
for the same out of the contingent fund;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Burgess, from the committee on the contingent fund
appropriated for the repairs of the Executive mansion, made
a report;
Which was read, and ordered to be printed.
[See Document MM.]
Mr. Burgess offered the following:
Ordered, That the committee on Claims be and they are
hereby authorised to allow the extra clerks, appointed by the
Speaker of the House, their per diem from the commence-
ment of the present session, and including the day of their
On motion of Mr. Beall,
The order was laid on the table.
On motion of Mr. Morgan,