Mr. Mackubin, from the committee on Claims, reported
unfavorably on the petition of Mary Ann Dushane ;
Also, unfavorably on the petitions of the Lafayette Guards,
of Baltimore city; of the Jackson Guards, of Baltimore city;
of the Turner Rifles, of Baltimore city; Capt. George Bowers
and others, of Baltimore city; of the Lafayette Dragoons, of
Baltimore city, referring the same to the next General As-
sembly ;
Which were severally concurred in.
Also, unfavorably on the bill entitled, an act to refund to
Benjamin Fawcett, late collector of fifth election district of
Montgomery county, monies overpaid into the State Treas-
ury ;
Also, unfavorably on the bill entitled, an act to compen-
sate James G. Honing, clerk of the Circuit court for Mont-
gomery county, and William W. Watkins, clerk of the cir-
cuit court for Howard county, under the Act. of Assembly,
passed December session, 1809, chap. 141 ;
Also, unfavorably on the bill entitled, an act to appropriate
sufficient money to pay the expenses incurred by Emanuel
Also, unfavorably on the bill entitled, an act to compen-
sate Edwin A. Atlee, William Delphy, Joseph B. Green-
wood, Jacob Leppo and Thos. G. Kelley, of Carroll county,
for the arrest of Dr. William Boyd, in the act of running off
negro slaves from the District of Columbia ;
Also, unfavorably on the bill entitled, an act for the relief
of Samuel Scott, of Prince George's county ;
Mr. Briscoe, from the committee on Education, reported
favorably on the bill entitled, an act to add the following
section relating to public schools, to article 83 of the code of
public general laws;
Mr. Johnson, from the committee on Inspections, reported
favorably on the Senate bill entitled, an act to repeal sections
352, 353, 355, 360, 362 and 369, article 4 of the code of pub-
lic local laws, and to substitute and add the following ;
Mr. Kessler, from the committee on the Library, reported
favorably on the bill entitled, an act to add an additional
section to article 54 of the code of public general laws, re-
lating to the State Library ;
Mr. Kessler, from a special committee, reported favorably
on the bill entitled, an act to confirm and make valid a sale
of certain negroes by Richard Simpson, Executor of Rezin
Simpson, to Charles S. Simmons ;