The bill entitled, an act to amend the 12th, 14th, 15th and
16th sections of the 41st article of the code of public general
laws, so as to change the time of fishing in the Potomac river,
to prohibit persons from fishing with seines or gill nets oppo-
site the shores of the owner or occupier of any fishery, to
provide for a proper enforcement of the provisions of the said
sections, and to define the rights of bona fide citizens of the
counties bordering on said river;
The bill entitled, an act to add the following sections, re-
lating to the almshouse of Montgomery county, to article 15
of the public general laws;
The bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Baltimore and
Liberty Turnpike company;
The bill entitled, an act to incorporate a company to make
a turnpike road in Frederick and Carroll counties, to be called
the Libertytown and Ridgeville Turnpike company;
The bill entitled, an act to establish a uniform system of
public schools in Allegany county, and to repeal sections 147,
148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,
160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168 and 169 of article
1 of the public local laws relating to Allegany county;
The bill entitled, an act to authorise the formation of a new
election district in Allegany county,
The bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Brothers' Relief
Division, No. 136, Sons of Temperance, of Carroll county,
The bill entitled, a further supplement to the act of De-
cember session, 1840, chapter 215, changing the commission-
ers appointed by the act of 1855, chapter 178, for cleaning
out Pocomoke river;
The bill entitled, an act to repeal the 67th section of arti-
cle 13 of the code of public local laws, relating to the duties
of inspectors of primary schools in Howard county;
The bill entitled, an act to refund to Zadock Marshall, late
collector of State taxes in Worcester county, an overpayment
made by him into the Treasury;
The bill entitled, an act to authorise the commissioners of
Howard county to levy a sum of money for the rebuilding of
the school house in primary school district No. 1;
The bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Baltimore
Union Works: