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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 496   View jpeg image (238K)
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496          JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Feb. 21,

Mr. Maxwell offered the following:

Ordered, That the person appointed by the Governor to
raise the national flag upon the dome of the State House each
day during the session of either branch of the Legislature,
in pursuance of an order of this House, be paid the sum of
three dollars per day;

Which was adopted.
On motion of Mr. McAllister,

Leave was granted the committee on the Judiciary to intro-
duce a bill to alter the fourth article of the code of public
local laws, relating to the per diem of the judges of the
Orphans' court of Baltimore city.

On motion of Mr. Freaner,

Leave was granted him to withdraw from the files of the
House, the bill entitled, an act to make valid the proceedings
of the Circuit court for Washington county, sitting in equity,
in a case in which certain real estate belonging to the estate
of J. H. Kennedy, deceased, was sold by order of said court;

On motion of Mr. Freaner,
Was recommitted.

On motion of Mr. Maxwell,

The petition relating to duck shooting in the waters of
Cecil county, was withdrawn from committee on Wild Fowl,
and referred to Cecil county delegation.

On motion of Mr. Durant,

The petition of George C. Morgan and others, in regard to
an increase of the salary of the Treasurer of the school fund
in St. Mary's county, was withdrawn from St. Mary's county
delegation, and referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Briscoe moved a reconsideration of the vote by which
the order was adopted, to pay the person appointed by the
Governor, to raise the national flag;

Which was sustained.

The question then recurring upon the adoption of the

Mr. Briscoe moved to amend said order, by striking out
"three," and insert "one;"

Which was sustained.


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 496   View jpeg image (238K)
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