Volume 659, Page 622 View pdf image |
822 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS. [Mar. 3, Mr. Abbott offered the following order; Ordered, That the President and Directors of the Annapolis 2nd. The amount of net profits annually paid into the State 3rd. What amount of, bonds of the Company was issued under Which was adopted. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the select committee to whom was re- [See Appendix to Journal.] Mr. Merrick, from the same committee, presented the minority report. [See Appendix to Journal.] On motion of Mr. Kennedy, The reading of each report was dispensed with. Mr. Hall moved that one thousand copies of each report be Which was adopted. The said reports were made the order for next Saturday even- Mr. Hall offered the following report: The report of the undersigned, being four members of the Joint REPORT: That they have carefully examined the subject confided to them, |
Volume 659, Page 622 View pdf image |
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