appointed Folder, and James Campbell, of Anne Arundel county,
be and is hereby appointed Page ;
Which was read and adopted.
Mr. Daniel offered the following order:
Ordered, That Asa Dashield, of Somerset county, be and he
is hereby appointed Post Master to this House;
Which was read.
Mr. Smith moved that the House elect the Post Master by
ballot, which was determined in the affirmative.
On motion of Mr. Partridge,
The whole subject was laid on the table.
The officers elect of the House who were present were then
severally qualified by the Speaker in the presence of the mem-
Mr. Lester offered the following order:
Ordered, That the Speaker appoint two members of this
House to wait upon the Rev. J. J. Graff and the Rev. R. D.
Chambers, and request them alternately to open the daily Ses-
sions of the House with prayer;
Which was read and adopted.
'The Speaker appointed Messrs. Lester and Davis, as the com-
mittee under the above order.
Mr. Silver offered the following message:
By the House of Delegates,
January 3rd, 1856.
Gentlemen of the Senate :
The House of Delegates is now ready to proceed with the
business of the session. We have chosen William H. Travers,
Esquire, Speaker, and Thomas H. Kent, of Joseph, Chief Clerk.
We respectfully propose, with the concurrence of your Honorable
Body, to appoint a joint Committee to wait upon his Excellency
the Governor, and inform him, that the General Assembly is now
organized for the dispatch of public business, and ready to re-
ceive any communication he may be pleased to make, and have
appointed Messrs. Silver and Bowie, as said Committee, on the
part of the House of Delegates.
By order,
Which was read and adopted:
Mr. Smith offered the following order:
Ordered, That when this House adjourn it adjourns to meet
to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Which was read.