Also on a bill entitled, an act to provide for the compensation of
Charles J. M. Gwinn for certain services performed by him under
the appointment of the Governor in the Court of Appeals of Mary-
Also on a bill entitled, an act appropriating a sum of money for
the payment of William Snyder for services rendered the State;
Mr. Silver from the Committee on Corporations reported fav-
orably on a bill entitled, an act to authorize the mayor and council-
men of the city of Cumberland to increase the annual levy of
taxes in said city;
Which was read the first time.
The Secretary of State delivered a communication from the
Executive, covering the Report of the President of the Cumberland
Coal and Iron Company;
On motion of Mr. Kildow,
The reading of the Report was dispensed with, and it was re-
ferred to the Committee on Corporations.
Mr. Kildow from the Select Committee reported favorably on a
bill entitled, an act authorising a patent to be issued to Peregrine
Harp for the tract of land called "Minor's Beginning."
Mr. Carper from the Select Committee reported favorably on a
bill entitled, an act to provide for the appointment of the trustees
for the poor by the county commissioners of Frederick county, for
the appointment of keeper of the poor's house by the trustees for
the poor and to specify their powers and duties.
On motion of Mr. Partridge,
The rules were suspended to enable him to report unfavorably
on the petition of the Judges of the Orphans' Court of Cecil
county for increased compensation, and asks to be discharged from
further consideration of the petition;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Smith, of Carroll, from the Select Committee reported fa-
vorably on a bill entitled, an act to lay out and establish a new elec-
tion district in Carroll county to be called district No. 11, or New
Windsor District;
Was read the first time,
Mr. Stewart from the Select Committee reported favorably on a
bill entitled, an act supplementary to an act entitled, an act
to authorize the county commissioners of Howard county to levy
a sum of money to build a school house in Primary School Dis-