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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 246   View pdf image
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246             JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS. [Feb. 8.

                   FRIDAY, February 8th, 1856.

The House met. Present at the call of the roll the following


Messrs. Speaker, Plowden, Harris, Griffith, Sudler, Dorsey,
Neff, Waters, Wilson of Calvert, Dowell, Merrick, Chilcoat,
Rankin, Wright, Cullings, Heath, Clark, Roberts, Daniel, Dail,
Frazier, Thomas, Scott, Stubbs, Miller, Brooke, Bowie, Bowl-
ing, Goldsborough, Rolph, Parker, Smith of Worcester, Brengle,
Davis, Carper, Grove, Duvall, Silver, Stack, Kennedy, Par-
tridge, Abbott, Valiant, Lester, Hugg, Askew, Harrington, Fiery,
Witmer, Reichard, Loughridge, Hall, Tower, Wickes, Kildow,
Frey, Brown, Smith, of Carroll, Buffington, Stewart, Rowles.

The proceedings of yesterday were read.

Mr. Kildow moved that the announcement of bills be dispens-
ed with,

Which was determined in the negative.             

Mr. Carper presented a petition from one hundred and seven-
ty-four citizens of Frederick county, asking the Legislature to
grant them the right to lay off and affix the boundaries of a new
county, to be called Johnson county,                         

Which was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Frazier presented a petition from James Frazier, praying
the passage of a law authorizing him to make null and void a
certain deed therein mentioned,

Which was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Goldsborough presented a memorial of citizens of Queen
Anne's county, in relation to a uniform system of registra-
tion of births, marriages and deaths in this State,

Which was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Brengle presented a petition from Mahlon Roderick, sher-
iff of Frederick county, praying the passage of an act directing
the Commissioners of said county to levy a tax on the assessa-
ble property of said county, for a certain sum of money for his

Which was referred to the Frederick county delegation.

Mr. Griffith presented a petition of John W. Pearson and forty-
four other citizens of Kent county, asking a sum of money to be
levied for the benefit of said petitioners,


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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 246   View pdf image
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