The Speaker laid before the House the report of the Board of
Visitors of the Maryland Hospital, for the insane, at Baltimore,
to the General Assembly of Maryland, for the years 1854 and 1855;
Which was referred to a Special Committee;
On motion of Mr. Rankin,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore county delegation to intro-
duce a bill for the relief of Sophia Conway, free negro of Balti-
more county.
Mr. Partridge, Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary re-
ported favorably on a bill entitled, an act to enable William Crane
and others, trustees of the Saratoga Street African Baptist Church
in Baltimore city, to execute a deed of certain property therein
Which was read the first time.
Also reported unfavorably on a bill entitled, an act to compel
persons taking an appeal from the decision of any justice of the
peace to the circuit court of Washington county to pay all costs
on said judgment before an appeal can be taken;
Which was read the first time.
And also made the following report.
The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the
memorial of W. C. Reddall praying the repeal of an Act passed
May 3d, 1853, (laws of 1853, chapter 179 entitled, an act giving
the assent of the State of Maryland, to such plan as may be a-
dopted by the President of the United States for supplying the
city of Washington with water) report unfavorably on the prayer
of said petition; that it ought not to be granted: and they ask to
be discharged from the further consideration thereof and that
leave be granted to the memorialist to withdraw his petition and
papers from the files of this House.
James R. Partridge, Chairman.
Which was read and adopted.
Mr. Frazier Chairman of the Committee on Claims reported
unfavorably on a bill entitled, an act to refund a sum of money paid
erroneously into the Treasury by Isaac Skinner:
Mr. Harrington from the Committee on Claims reported favor-
ably on a bill entitled an act to compensate John Cullen for cer-
tain moneys expended by him in execution of the laws for the
protection of oysters of this State;
Also on a bill entitled, an act to make compensation to William
J. Byrd for a certain case argued in the Court of Appeals for
the State of Maryland by the appointment of the Governor