Mr. Corby presented a petition of the President and Directors
of the Washington county bank, praying to be refunded for an
over payment of certain State taxes in its capital stock, errone-
ously made in the year 1853;
Referred to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. Goldsborough submitted the following order which was
read and adopted:
Ordered, That the State Librarian report to this House imme-
diately what number of each of the four volumes of the Mary-
land Chancery Decisions, by Chancellor Johnson has been sold,
exchanged or otherwise disposed of by him, from the State Li-
brary, and the names of the persons to whom said volumes have
been sold, exchanged or otherwise disposed of, and that he report
what number of each volume, he has sent to the Booksellers of
Baltimore and Philadelphia, and that he report the price obtained
for all of said books, and that he also report what number of each
volume have hot been distributed by him under the act of 1852,
chapter 351, as directed by the respective acts for the purchase of
each volume of said Maryland Chancery Decisions and what
number of each volume have not been sent by him to the Gover-
nors of other States as directed by the aforesaid act, &c., and
that he report to this House what number of each volume of said
Chancery Decisions were in the State Library at the time he en-
tered upon his duties as State Librarian, and what number of each
volume are at present in the State Library reserved tor the future
ants of the State, besides the 25 copies of each volume reserved
specially for the use of the State Library.
Ordered, That the State Librarian is hereby prohibited from
selling, exchanging or otherwise disposing of any of said volumes
of Maryland Chancery Decisions by Chancellor Johnson, except
under the act of 1852, chapter 351, unless specially authorized
hereafter by the Legislature.
On motion of Mr. Rowles;
Leave was granted to the Howard and Anne Arundel county
delegations to bring in a bill to empower the Criminal Court of
Baltimore city to remove cases to Howard and Arundel counties.
On motion of Mr. Askew,
Leave was granted to introduce an act relating to fines, forfeit
tures and penalties.
On motion of Mr. Fiery,
Leave was granted to introduce a bill, to authorize the appoint-
ment of Trustees for the resale of the Franklin Rail Road in
Washington county.
Which was referred to the Committee on Internal Improve-