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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 133   View pdf image
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SATURDAY, January &6th, 1856.

House met pursuant to adjournment. Present at the call of the
foil the following members :

Messrs. Speaker, Dorsey, Neff, Waters, Merrick, Holland,
Chilcoat, Rankin, Wright, Cuttings, Toadvine, Lawson, Wilson,
of Somerset, Daniel, Frazier, Thomas, Brooke, Bowling, Bowie,
Goldsborough, Parker, Timmons, Smith, of Worcester, Brengle,
Davis, Carper, Grove, Wolfe, Duvall, Silver, Whitby, Stack,
Partridge, Smith, of Baltimore city, Abbott, Valiant, Lester,
Hugg, Askew; Harrington, Fiery, Witmer, Loughridge, Corby,
Harding, Hall, Tower, Wickes, Buffington, Stewart, Rowles,

The proceedings of yesterday were read.                 

Mr. Wickes presented a petition from A. L. Withers and 80
others of the town of Cumberland, praying that the corporate au-
thorities of said town may not be authorized to subscribe to the
capital stock of the Connellsville Rail Road, or to issue the bonds
of said town in payment of said stock;

Which was read and referred to the Allegany county delega-

Mr. Harding presented a petition of Mahala Jones, a free woman
of color, to return to the State of Maryland;

Which was read and referred to the Committee on Colored


Mr. Merrick submitted the following rule, which was read and

It shall not be in order to take up for consideration upon the
second or third reading any bill or joint resolution, before the
same shall have been printed and laid upon the desks of the sev-
eral members of the House.

Mr. Wickes presented a petition from George Dencen of Alle-
gany county, praying for relief therein mentioned;         

Which was read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Mr. Brengle presented a petition signed by 46 citizens of Fred-
erick County, protesting against the passage of a law increasing
the per diem of the Judges of the Orphans' Court of said county.

Which was read and referred to the Frederick county delega-

Also a petition from sundry citizens of Frederick county pray-
ing the passage of an act to provide for a uniform system of reg-
gistration of births, marriages and deaths in this State;

Which was read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 133   View pdf image
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