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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 127   View pdf image
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128            JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS             [Jan. 25

Messrs. Stone, Thomas, Wright, Duvall, Daniel, Grove and

Mr. Partridge submitted the following order:

Ordered, That a Special Committee of three be appointed to
inquire whether any action or legislation be required for the pre-
servation, repair, security, and keeping in order of the State
House and Public Buildings belonging to the State at the seat of
Government, and referred to Messrs. Partridge, Dorsey and Davis.

Mr. Davis, chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, report-
ed a bill, entitled, an act for the protection of sheep by taxing
dogs, with the following amendment:

Amend section 1, line 17, by striking out the words "also to
pay," and insert, "the Commissions of said county are hereby
authorized, in their discretion, to pay out of the fund arising un-
der the provisions of this act, the awards, &c."

The Secretary of the Senate returned the following;
An amendment to resolutions of January 18th, 1856;

A bill entitled an act supplemental to the several acts relating
to the powers and duties of the Board of Primary Education of
Worcester county:

A bill entitled, an act to change the name of Henry Schley, of

Baltimore city, to Benjamin Henry Schley;

A bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Somerset and Wor-
cester Savings Bank;

A bill entitled, an act to make valid a deed of manumission
from Thomas Lord to negress Caroline;

And delivered a bill entitled, an act to authorise the County
Commissioners of Harford county to sell or manumit certain ne-
gro slaves belonging to said county;

Which was read the first time, and referred to Messrs, Duvall,
Silver and Jarrett.           

Mr. Partridge, chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary,
reported favorably on a bill entitled an act to prohibit the Clerks
of the several Circuit Courts of the counties of this State, and
the Superior Court of the City of Baltimore from issuing licen-
ses to join in marriage males under the age of twenty one years,
and females under the age of sixteen years, without the consent
of the parent or guardian of such persons.

Also, a bill entitled, an act for amending proceedings in the
Land Office.

Also, a bill entitled, an act relating to masters of vessels, sailors
and apprentices.                           


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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 127   View pdf image
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