tees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Princess Ann, in
Somerset county.
The following message was received from the Senate, and
By the Senate,
January 4th, 1856.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:
We have received your message informing us of your organi-
zation, and propose Messrs. Dennis and Sothoron, to join the
Committee appointed by your Honorable Body to inform His
Excellency the Governor, that we have organized, and are ready
to receive any communication he may be pleased to make.
By order,
C. Harwood, Secretary.
The following communication was received from the Comp-
troller, and read:
Treasury Department,
Comptroller's Office, Annapolis,
January, 4th, 1856.
Hon. W. H. Travers:
Speaker of the House of Delegates:
Sir: The term of office of the undersigned, as Comptroller of
the Treasury Department of Maryland, will expire on the 9th
inst., and it is due as well to him as to the people who confided
to his care this responsible branch of the public service, that a
careful investigation of his official proceedings should be. made.
Inasmuch as the standing committees will scarcely be orga-
nized prior to the 9th inst., he respectfully solicits the appoint-
ment of a Special Committee with instructions to examine the
affairs of his office, and report thereon as soon as practicable.
With high respect,
On motion of Mr. Wickes,
A committee consisting of Messrs. Wickes, Bowling, Kenne-
dy, Davis and Hall, was appointed in compliance with the request
of the Comptroller.
Messrs. Silver and Bowie, from the joint committee appointed
to wait upon his Excellency the Governor, and inform him of the
organization of the two Houses of the General Assembly, and
that they were prepared to receive any communication he might
be pleased to make, reported that they had performed the duty
assigned them; and that His Excellency informed them that he
would, in a short time, make a written communication to the
General Assembly.