this law should be national in scope, in order to avoid unjust
discrimination against Maryland manufactures, and that if
the Bill is passed it will embarrass or disorganize large manu-
facturing interests. [Which was read and referred to the
Committee on Agriculture and Labor. ]
Also a petition of the Mt. Vernon-Wood berry Mills, Inc.,
Baltimore, Maryland, protesting against House Bill No. 539,
Section 22-A, stating that the passage of this section would
seriously hamper manufacturing interests, as well as cause un-
necessary hardship among employees. [Which was read and
referred to the Committee on Judicial Proceedings. ]
Also a petition of Dixon, Barlett Company, manufacturers
of boots and shoes, 110 and 112 W. German street, Baltimore
city, in favor of the passage of House Bills Nos. 330 and 331,
known as the Bulk Sales Law and False Statement Act.
[Which was read and referred to the Committee on Judicial
Proceedings. ]
Also a petition of Maass & Kemper, importers, 107-109 W.
Baltimore street, Baltimore, Maryland, in favor of the passage
of House Bills Nos. 330 and 331, known as the Bulk Sales
Law and the False Statement Act. [Which was read and re-
ferred to the Committee on Judicial Proceedings. ]
Also a petition of John I. Kelly, Chairman Legislative Com-
mittee, Maryland Pharmaceutical Association, in favor of the
passage of Senate Bill No. 646, by Senator Jones, and House
Bill No. 853, by Mr. Given, allowing the use of alcohol in
necessary household articles both for toilet and culinary pur-
poses that are not exempt in the State-wide Prohibition Bill.
[Which was read and referred to the Committee on Temper-
ance. ]
Also a petition of Charles G. Summers, Jr., in favor of the
passage of the Bill appropriating $10, 000 to be devoted to the
use of Dr. Caspari's office and thereby placing him in a posi-
tion where he can effectually inspect sanitary conditions.
[Which was read and referred to the Committee on Sanitary
Condition of State. ]
Also a resolution of the Parkville Improvement Association
of Parkville, urging the submission of the initiative and refer-
endum. [Which was read and referred to the Committee on
Amendments to the Constitution. ].
Also a petition of J. Hemsley Johnson, 225 W. Monument
street, Baltimore, Maryland, in favor of an appropriation for
the State Board of Health. [Which was read and referred to
the Committee on Amendment to the Constitution. ]