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Proceedings of the Senate, 1916
Volume 658, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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1916] OF THE SENATE. 57

ANNAPOLIS, Thursday, January 13, 1916.

The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon.

Prayer by Rev. H. P. Baker.

Present at roll call the following Senators:

Messrs. —

President Brown Frick Kaufman Shepherd
Allen Chesley Holmead Legg Speicher
Archer Collier Johnson. Norris Warfield
Bennett Cooper Jones Ogden Zihlman
Bomberger Duvall Joy Parsons —21.

The Journal of Wednesday, January 12, 1916, was read and


On motion of Mr. Chesley it was ordered that Mr. Mudd be
excused from today's session on account of sickness.

On motion of Mr. Bennett it was ordered that Mr. Harrison
be excused from today's session on account of sickness.

On motion of Mr. Allen it was ordered that Mr. Williams
be excused from today's session on account of sickness.

Two-thirds of all the Senators-elect voting in the affirmative,
the rules were suspended by yeas and nays as follows:


Messrs. —

President Brown Frick Kaufman Shepherd
Allen Chesley. Holmead, Legg Speicher
Archer Collier Johnson Norris Warfield
Bennett Cooper Jones Ogden Zihlman
Bomberger Duvall Joy Parsons Total—24.

Mr. Shepherd offered the following order:

Ordered, That Rule 16 of the Senate fixing the standing com-
mittees be amended so as to read as follows:


"The following Standing Committees, which shall have leave
to report by bill or otherwise, shall be appointed by the Presi-
dent unless otherwise ordered by the Senate: "

1. On Finance, to consist of eleven Senators.

2. On Judicial Proceedings, to consist of nine Senators.


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1916
Volume 658, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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