new section to the Baltimore City Charter, to follow Section
164-B of the Revised Charter of 1915, and to be known as Sec-
tion 164-C. "
Amendment proposed by the City Senators: "Insert the
words 'prima facia' after the word 'deemed' in the seventh
line of the printed Bill (sixth line of typewritten Bill). "
[Which was read and adopted. ] [Which favorable report was
adopted, which was read the second time and ordered printed
for a third reading. ]
Mr. Frick, from the City Senators, reported favorably, with
amendments, Senate Bill No. 19, entitled "An Act to add a
new section to the Baltimore City Charter, to follow Section
42 of the Revised Charter of 1915, and to be known as Sec-
tion 42-A. "
Amendment proposed by the City Senators: "Insert the
words 'prima facia' after the word 'deemed' in the eleventh
line of the printed Bill (tenth line of the typewritten Bill). "
[Which was read and adopted. ] [Which favorable report was
adopted, which was read the second time and ordered printed
for a third reading. ]
By Senator Allen:
Notice is hereby given, under Senate Rule 59, that a motion
will be offered to add the name of Senator Duvall, of Anne
Arundel county, to the Judicial Proceedings Committee,
who, as a member thereof, will be entitled to participate in
all deliberations on the question of annexation of additions to
Baltimore city and to vote on all such questions.
[Which was read. ].
The Secretary of State appeared and delivered the following
message from the Executive:
ANNAPOLIS, MD., January 28, 1916.
To the President of the Senate.
I transmit herewith a copy of the report of the Commission
on Economy and Efficiency on the Budget System, known as
the Goodnow Commission, which Commission was appointed
by the late Democratic Convention. Accompanying this re-
port is a Bill, prepared by the Commission, which, in its
opinion, will carry into effect its recommendations. I feel ex-
tremely gratified at the very able report submitted. The Com-