1916] OF THE SENATE. 1255
diem of one Journal Clerk, ten dollars; for the per diem of one
Assistant Journal Clerk, seven dollars; for the per diem of one
Reading Clerk, ten dollars; for the per diem of one Sergeant-
at-Arms, seven dollars; for the per diem of one Chaplain, five
dollars; for the per diem of one Secretary to the President of
the Senate, six dollars; for the per diem of one stenographer to
the President of the Senate, five dollars; for the per diem of
one doorkeeper to the President of the Senate, five dollars; for
the per diem of one Postmaster, six dollars; for the per diem
of one Calendar Clerk, five dollars; for the per diem of one
Chief Engrossing or Printing Clerk, six dollars; for the per
diem of four proofreaders or copy holders, five dollars each;
for the per, diem of two Billroom Clerks, five dollars each; for
the per diem of five doorkeepers, five dollars each; for the per
diem of two keepers of the cloakroom, five dollars each; for
the per diem of three pages, two dollars and fifty cents each;
for the per diem of four general stenographers, five dollars
each; for the per diem of one clerk to Finance Committee,
seven dollars; for the per diem of one stenographer to the Fi-
nance Committee, five dollars; for the per diem of one messen-
ger to the Finance Committee, five dollars; for the per diem
of one doorkeeper to the Finance Committee, five dollars; for
the per diem of one clerk to Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings, five dollars; for the per diem of one stenographer to the
Committee on Judicial Proceedings, five dollars; for the per
diem of one clerk to the Committee on Corporations, five dol-
lars; for the per diem of one clerk to the City Senators, five
dollars; for the per diem of one stenographer to the City Sena-
tors, five dollars; for the per diem of one messenger to City
Senators, five dollars; for the per diem of one clerk to the
Temperance Committee, five dollars; for the per diem of one
stenographer to the Committees on Printing, Roads and High-
ways, five dollars; for the per diem of one stenographer to
the Committees on Insurance, Loans, and Elections, five dol-
lars; for the per diem of one stenographer to the Committee
on Education, five dollars; for the per diem of one clerk to
the Minority Senators, five dollars; for the per diem of one
stenographer to the Minority Senators, five dollars; for the
per diem of one clerk to the Committee on Chesapeake Bay
and Tributaries, five dollars; for the per diem of one messen-
ger to the President of the Senate, five dollars; for the per
diem of one messenger to the Minority Senators, five dollars;
for the per diem of the Speaker of the House of Delegates,
eight dollars; for the per diem of one hundred and one mem-
bers of the House of Delegates, at five dollars each; for the