Baltimore, to the United Hebrew Charities of Baltimore and
to the Hebrew Educational Society of Baltimore. "
[Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee on Judicial Proceedings. ]
By Mr. Duvall:
Senate Bill No. 66, entitled "An Act requiring the State
Roads Commission of Maryland to take over and maintain
the South River bridge in Anne Arundel county.
[Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee on Finance. ]
By Mr. Speicher:
Senate Bill No. 67, entitled "An Act authorizing the appoint-
ment of a Commission to be known as 'The Garrett County
Flood Commission, ' to protect the towns of Kitzmiller and
Friendsville, in Garrett county, and the property therein from
floods; to define the power and the authority of said Commis-
sion, and to appropriate the sum of twenty thousand dollars
($20, 000) to be expended by said Commission to that end. "
[Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee on Finance. ]
By Mr. Zihlman:
Senate Bill No., 68, entitled "An Act to provide for the regis-
tration of voters in what is known as 'The Annex to the South-
ern Limits of the City of Cumberland, ' in the month of Feb-
ruary in the year 1916. "
[Which was read the first time and referred to Senators
Zihlman, Speicher and Holmead. ]
By Mr. Cooper':
Senate Bill No. 72, entitled "An Act to appropriate the sum
of twenty thousand nine hundred and eighty-five dollars and ten
cents ($30, 985. 10), to defray the expense incurred in publishing
the Governor's Constitutional Amendment Proclamation, set-
ting forth the text of the proposed amendments to the Con-
stitution of Maryland, authorized to be submitted to the voters
of the State for their adoption or rejection by Chapters 390,
416, 453 and 673 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1914,
and by said Acts required to be so submitted at the election
held in this State on the first Tuesday after the first Monday