The Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates appeared and
delivered the following message:
January 26, 1916.
Gentlemen of the Senate:
We have received your message proposing to proceed with
the election of Treasurer of the State of Maryland on Wednes-
day, January 26, 1916, at 4 o'clock P. M., and concur therein.
We have named on the part of the House, John M. Dennis,
and Robert F. Duer as candidates, and have appointed as tel-
lers on the part of the House of Delegates, Messrs. McIntosh
and Shartzer, who in connection with the tellers appointed
by your Honorable Body are to receive the votes of the House
of Delegates and count the same. We also concur in your
message that the election of the Treasurer of Maryland shall
be by joint ballot in accordance with Article 6, Section 1, of
the Constitution of the State of Maryland and that the pro-
cedure be as that adopted by both Houses of the General
Assembly at the present session.
By order:
Chief Cleric.
[Which was read. ]
The hour of 4 o'clock P. M. having arrived, the Senate pro-
ceeded to the election of Treasurer of the State of Maryland.
The Senators, as their names were called, advanced, handed
their ballot to one of the tellers (Mr. Cooper), who inspected
same and handed them to the other teller (Mr. Speicher),
who announced the name of the candidate voted for; said
ballots were then deposited in the ballot box.
The Senators voted as follows:
The President voted for Hon. John M. Dennis.
Mr. Allen voted for Hon. Robert F. Duer.
Mr. Archer voted for Hon. John M. Dennis.
Mr. Bennett voted for Hon. John M. Dennis.
Mr. Bomberger voted for Hon. Robert F. Duer.
Mr. Brown voted for Hon. Robert F. Duer.
Mr. Chesley voted for Hon. Robert F. Duer.
Mr. Collier voted for Hon. John M. Dennis.
Mr. Cooper voted for Hon. John M. Dennis.
Mr. Duvall voted for Hon. John M. Dennis.