990 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 618
sion of Maryland herein created and constituted shall continue in
all respects to take the place of the Real Estate Commission herein
abolished, except as otherwise in this Act specifically provided. The
rights and privileges of the Commission as it existed immediately
prior to June 1,1961, are continued in the Commission herein created
following June 1, 1961. All properties, accounts, records and credits
of the Real Estate Commission that existed immediately prior to June
1, 1961, are transferred to and vested in the Commission herein
created as of June 1, 1961. The actions, decisions and rulings of the
Real Estate Commission as they existed immediately prior to June
1, 1961, are continued following June 1, 1961, unless and until they
are changed or modified by the Real Estate Commission of Maryland
herein created. All references to the Real Estate Commission of
Maryland as it existed immediately prior to June 1, 1961, in the
laws, regulations, books and acts of this State and of every political
subdivision of this State shall from and after June 1, 1961, be
deemed as references to the Real Estate Commission of Maryland
herein created.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1961.
Approved May 3, 1961.
(Senate Bill 397)
AN ACT to add eleven new sections under the new sub-heading "Re-
development—Urban Renewal" to the Charter of the City of Cam-
bridge as said Charter is found in Article 10 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition, as amended), title "Dor-
chester County", sub-title "Cambridge", in order to authorize and
empower the Commissioners of Cambridge to carry out urban
renewal projects involving the clearance and redevelopment and
rehabilitation of slum areas or blighted areas, including the acqui-
sition of property for such purposes with certain provisions in
regard to such acquisition by the exercise of the power of eminent
domain; declaring such activities to constitute governmental func-
tions in furtherance of which the Commissioners of Cambridge
may exercise the power of taxation, expend public funds and
extend public credit; granting to the Commissioners of Cam-
bridge certain additional powers and authority necessary or proper
to carry into full force and effect the powers hereinabove men-
tioned and placing certain restrictions and limitations on certain
powers granted.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That eleven new sections under the new sub-heading "Redevelop-
ment—Urban Renewal", be and they are hereby added to the Charter
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.