for a term of four years and until their successors are appointed and
qualify. Members to fill vacancies shall be appointed by the Governor
for the unexpired term.]
The Real Estate Commission of Maryland is created. It has seven
members, one of whom and the chairman of the Commission shall
be the chief of the License Bureau of the State of Maryland and five
of whom are residents respectively of (1) one of the nine counties
(Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomico,
Worcester, Somerset) of the Eastern Shore; (2) one of the four
counties (Harford, Baltimore, Carroll, Howard) of Central Mary-
land; (3) Baltimore City; (4) one of the five counties (Anne Arun-
del, Prince George's, Calvert, Charles, St. Mary's) of Southern Mary-
land, and (5) one of five counties (Montgomery, Frederick, Wash-
ington, Allegany, Garrett) of Western Maryland. One other member
shall be appointed from the State of Maryland, at large.
(b) In each instance, members of the Commission, except the chief
of the License Bureau, shall have been citizens and residents of the
particular area for which appointed, respectively, for not less than
the five years next preceding their appointment to the Commission;
and, at the time of appointment, and for a period of not less than
the ten years next preceding appointment, each member, except the
chief of the License Bureau, shall be and shall have been licensed
under this sub-title either as a real estate broker or as a real estate
(c) Appointments to the Commission shall be made by the Gover-
The term of office for each appointee is four years, beginning
as of June 1 in the year in which appointed. However, of those
appointed in the year 1961, the six appointed members of the Com-
mission shall be designated respectively for terms of one, two, and
two for three and two for four years. Thereafter as terms expire,
all appointments shall be for four years. Every appointment is for
the period indicated, or until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
Vacancies for any cause shall be filled by the Governors for the
unexpired term, and each such appointee shall possess the qualifica-
tions required of members of the Commission from the particular
area for which the vacancy occurred.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Real Estate Com-
mission of Maryland as constituted immediately prior to June 1,
1961, is abolished and the Real Estate Commission of Maryland as
constituted in this Act shall take its place in all respects except as
herein specifically otherwise provided. Members of the former Real
Estate Commission who are in office immediately prior to June 1,
1961, and whose terms would not otherwise expire on said date, shall
be appointed hereunder and shall continue their memberships follow-
ing June 1, 1961, in the Real Estate Commission herein constituted
for the respective periods of service remaining under their previous
appointments and as representatives, respectively, of the geographi-
cal areas of their residences. Initial appointments by the Governor
under this Act shall be made so that any such holdover members and
the new appointees, in the aggregate, shall conform to the require-
ments of this Act as to number and residence.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Real Estate Commis-