Section 2, headed, "Definitions of Words and Phrases", Sub-section
(a), be, and the same is hereby amended to add a new sub-sub-section
thereto, to be known as Sub-sub-section (62-a), to read as follows:
(62-a) Traffic Court.—The terms ''Traffic Court of Baltimore
City", ''Traffic Court", in a context relating to Baltimore City,
"traffic magistrates of Baltimore City", "justice of the peace" or
"trial magistrate", in a context relating to, or including, Baltimore
City, and other similar expressions, as used in this article, shall be
taken to mean the Traffic Division of the Municipal Court of Balti-
more City. The term "supervisor" or "clerk" as used in this article,
in reference to the Traffic Court of Baltimore City, shall be taken to
mean the deputy clerk of the Municipal Court of Baltimore City for
the Traffic Division, or any clerks of said division, by whatever title
designated, as the context may require.
Sec. 25. And be it further enacted, That Article 66½ of the An-
notated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, as amended), title "Motor
Vehicles", sub title SUB-TITLES "Traffic Court of Baltimore City",
Sections 343 through 373, both inclusive, be, and the same are hereby
Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That Sections 193, 194, 195 and
196 of the Charter and Public Local Laws of Baltimore City (1949
Edition), subdivision "Bail", be, and the same are hereby repealed
and reenacted to read as follows:
§ 193. [No police justice] The Municipal Court of [the City of]
Baltimore City shall not accept bail for persons charged with man-
slaughter, other than charge for manslaughter arising out of a motor
vehicle accident, murder or any offense the punishment for which
may be death; [any] such [justice] court may, in [his] its discretion,
accept the bail for any person charged with the commission of any
felony other than those above mentioned, and any misdemeanor the
punishment for which may be confinement in the penitentiary; and
whenever bail is offered for any person charged with the commission
of any misdemeanor other than those already set forth, such [justice]
court shall accept the same; provided [he] it is satisfied with the
security offered.
§ 194. Whenever a person charged with a bailable, criminal of-
fense before [a police justice] the Municipal Court of Baltimore City
desires to be admitted to bail, his recognizor shall sign and make
oath to an application in which shall be stated such matters as may
be required of, and required to be inserted in such application by the
[police justice] court to enable [him] it to determine the value of
the security offered. Any recognizance acknowledged before such
[justice] court shall be good, although the defendant does not join
in the same.
§ 195. Whenever any person charged with the commission of a
criminal offense is admitted to bail by [a police justice] the Munici-
pal Court of Baltimore City for appearance in the Criminal Court
of Baltimore [such justice], the Clerk of the Municipal Court of
Baltimore City shall forthwith deliver the recognizance to the clerk
of said [court,] Criminal Court, [such] Such recognizance shall