548 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 410
and to the extent of any such funds received or receivable in any fiscal
year the taxes hereby required to be levied may be reduced propor-
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the County is hereby
authorized and empowered, at any time and from time to time to
issue its bonds in the manner hereinabove described for the purpose
of refunding, upon purchase or redemption, any bonds issued here-
under. The validity of any such refunding bonds shall in no way be
dependent upon or related to the validity or invalidity of the obli-
gations so refunded. The powers herein granted with respect to the
issuance of bonds, and also the limitations herein on such powers
shall be applicable to the issuance of refunding bonds. Said refund-
ing bonds may be issued by the County for the purpose of providing
it with funds to purchase in the open market any of its outstanding
bonds issued hereunder, prior to the maturity thereof, or for the
purpose of providing it with funds for the redemption prior to ma-
turity of any outstanding bonds issued hereunder which are, by their
terms, redeemable. The resolution authorizing the issue of any such
refunding bonds shall describe the issue or issues of bonds of the
County so to be refunded, and no issue of such refunding bonds shall
exceed in amount the par amount of such bonds so described in said
resolution. No such refunding bonds shall actually be delivered to the
purchaser or purchasers thereof more than six (6) months in ad-
vance of redemption date or dates of bonds to be redeemed and re-
funded and the proceeds of the sale of any such refunding bonds
shall be segregated and set apart by the County as a separate trust
fund to be used solely for the purpose of paying the purchase or
redemption prices of the bonds to be refunded.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That, in the issuance of any of
the bonds authorized hereby, the County may, prior to the prepara-
tion of definitive bonds or obligations, issue interim certificates or
temporary bonds, with or without coupons, exchangeable for defini-
tive bonds when such bonds or obligations have been executed and
are available for delivery, provided, however, that any such interim
certificates or temporary bonds shall be issued in all respects subject
to the restrictions and requirements set forth herein. The County
may, by appropriate resolution, provide for the replacement of any
bonds issued hereunder which shall have become mutilated or be
destroyed or lost upon such conditions and after receiving such in-
demnity as the County may think it proper and necessary to stipu-
late and require.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That any and all obligations
issued pursuant to the authority of this Act, the interest payable
thereon, and the income derived therefrom in the hands of the hold-
ers thereof from time to time, shall be and is hereby declared to be
exempt from State, county and municipal taxation of every kind and
nature whatsoever in the State of Maryland.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1961.
Approved April 24, 1961.