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Session Laws, 1961
Volume 654, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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194                                 Laws of Maryland                         [Ch. 202

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 122(e)(l) of Article 48A of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Insurance" sub-title "Agents and
Brokers", be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, and to read as follows:


(1) Each applicant for a license to act as a life insurance agent,
within this State shall be required to submit to a personal written
examination to determine his competence with respect to life in-
surance and annuity contracts and his familiarity with the pertinent
provisions of the laws of this State, and shall pass the same to the
satisfaction of the Insurance Commissioner. Provided, however, that
such applicant shall be examined only on the type of life insurance
business in which the insurer by whom he is employed is engaged;
and provided further that he shall not be required to take more than
one examination. [Any applicant under this section may apply for
a license to write accident and health, as well as life insurance, if the
insurer for whom such applicant is to act is authorized to transact
such business in this State and such applicant shall submit to a
personal written examination to determine his competence with
respect to such type of insurance. An applicant for a license under
this section may specify whether he desires to be examined as an
agent to sell only life insurance or as an agent to sell life and accident
and health insurance, and he shall be so examined, in one examination,
by the Insurance Commissioner or deputy commissioner. The written
examination provided for in this section shall not be required of:]
Any applicant under this section may apply for a license to write
accident and health insurance, as well as life insurance, if the
insurer for whom such applicant is to act is authorized to transact
such business in this State. Any applicant under this section may
apply for a license to write solely accident and health insurance.
Any such applicant shall submit to a personal written examination
to determine his competence with respect to the type or types of
insurance he desires to be licensed to write. Any applicant for li-
cense under this section may specify whether he desires to be ex-
amined as an agent to sell only life insurance, as an agent to sell
accident and health insurance, or as an agent to sell both life in-
surance and accident and health insurance, and he shall be so ex-
amined in one examination by the Insurance Commissioner or
Deputy Commissioner. The written examination provided for in
this section shall not be required of:

(i) An applicant for a renewal license, unless the Insurance
Commissioner determines that such examination is necessary to
establish the competency of such individual; or unless a license has
not been issued to such applicant within five years preceding the
date of filing his application.

(ii) An applicant who is a ticket selling agent or other repre-
sentative of a public carrier and who shall act under a restricted
license only as an agent with respect to accident insurance tickets
covering risks of travel; nor an applicant who shall act under a
restricted license as an agent only with respect to selling credit
life and/or credit accident and health insurance to a borrower of
money or a purchaser of goods in connection with a specific loan or
credit transaction; nor an applicant who shall act under a restricted


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Session Laws, 1961
Volume 654, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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