1740 Joint Resolutions
of Sportsmen's Clubs and a representative of the U. S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, the Committee to act as an advisory committee to
the Game and Inland Fish Commission; and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution is sent to the Governor of
Maryland and the Director of the Game and Inland Fish Commission.
Approved May 3, 1961.
No. 42
(House Joint Resolution 61)
House Joint Resolution to express appreciation to the members of
the Case Committee and the Kirkman Committee for their work
in the development of an administrative and financial structure
for public health services, and to direct that the Fiscal Research
Bureau give further study to this problem and develop an accept-
able formula for the financing of comprehensive public health
services in Maryland.
Whereas, the General Assembly of Maryland received a report
of the Subcommittee to Review the Financing of Maryland Health
Activities in 1955, which is generally referred to as the Case Report
and which incorporated a formula for the financing of community
health services, generally referred to as the Case Formula; and
Whereas, the financing of community health services has been
operating within the framework of the Case Report and Formula
since July 1, 1956; and
Whereas, the components of the Case Formula have proven by
experience to operate in such a manner that the formula does not
provide an equitable structure for the sharing of costs among the
State and its political subdivisions, particularly in its insensibility
to the varying public health needs of the sub-divisions with relation
to their actual ability to pay; and
Whereas, the General Assembly in response to a Joint Resolution
at the 1958 Session has received the report of the Subcommittee on
Policies and Financing of Maryland's Medical and Hospital Pro-
grams, generally called the Kirkman Report; and
Whereas, the 1961 Session of the General Assembly has received
the report of the Committee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters of the
Legislative Council in which adequate justification is set forth to
indicate that the Kirkman Report should not be implemented by
use of the Case Formula; and
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law,
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.