active for more than five years prior to the year that the agreement
is approved;
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1961.
Approved March 23, 1961.
(House Bill 337)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 29 (d)
of Article 66½ of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition),
title "Motor Vehicles", sub-title "Administration—Registration—
Titling", exempting certain vehicles owned by the Government of
the United States from the excise tax for the issuance of certificate
of title under the motor vehicle laws.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 29 (d) of Article 66½ of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1957 Edition), title "Motor Vehicles", sub-title "Administra-
tion—Registration—Titling", be and it is hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
(d) Certificates of title for all motor vehicles owned by the Gov-
ernment of the United States and used in the investigation of any
violation or suspected violation of any law of the United States and
for all motor vehicles owned by the State of Maryland or any political
subdivision of the State and for fire engines and other fire depart-
ment emergency apparatus, including vehicles operated by or in
connection with any fire department, and for vehicles held for the
use of the public and owned by any bona fide unit of a national
veterans' organization, and for vehicles owned and used by any
Maryland chapter of the American Red Cross, and for ambulances,
and rescue and other vehicles owned and used for the benefit of
the public by nonprofit rescue squads; and for all motor vehicles
acquired for resale by any registered new or used car dealer for
nonresidents who are from states whose laws do not require title
registration, and for all motor vehicles owned by any foreign consu-
lar officer who is a national of the foreign state appointing him and
who is not engaged in any business, trade or profession within the
United States if there is in force and effect a treaty between the
United States and the foreign state which the consul represents
granting exemption from taxes on a reciprocal basis, and for all
school buses purchased by religious organizations, shall be exempt
from the tax imposed by this section.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1961.
Approved March 23, 1961.