(1957 Edition), title "Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors",
to provide for the renewal of registration of professional engineers
and land surveyors each year for a fee, providing that the Board
may revoke the registration for failure to renew such registration,
and relating generally to such renewal and renewal fee.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 9, 11, 13 and 18 (a) of Article 75½ of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Professional Engineers and
Land Surveyors", be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, and all to read as follows:
The secretary of the Board shall receive and account for all monies
derived under the provisions of this article, and shall pay the same
monthly to the State Treasurer, who shall keep such monies in a
separate fund to be known as the "Professional Engineers' Fund".
Such fund shall be kept separate and apart from all other monies in
the treasury, and shall be paid out only by warrant of the State
Comptroller upon the State Treasurer upon itemized vouchers; ap-
proved by the chairman and attested by the secretary of the Board.
All monies in the "Professional Engineers' Fund" are hereby speci-
fically appropriated for the use of the Board. The secretary of the
Board shall give a surety bond to the State in such sum as the Board
may determine. The premium on said bond shall be regarded as a
proper and necessary expense of the Board, and shall be paid out of
the "Professional Engineers' Fund". The Board may employ such
clerical, technical, or other assistants as are necessary for the proper
performance of its work, and may make expenditures of this fund
for any purpose which in the opinion of the Board is reasonably
necessary for the proper performance of its duties under this article,
including the expenses of the Board's delegates to annual conventions,
and membership dues, to the National Council of State Boards of
Engineering Examiners. Under no circumstances shall the total
amount of warrants issued by the State Comptroller in payment of
the expenses and compensation provided for in this article exceed
the amount of the examination [and] , registration and renewal fees
collected as herein provided.
A roster showing the names and places of business of all registered
professional engineers and all registered land surveyors shall be kept
by the secretary of the Board. Copies of this roster shall be placed
on file with the Secretary of State, and furnished to the public upon
request. Each registrant shall advise the Board not later than
[September] June 30, of each year, on a form provided by the secre-
tary of the Board, the name and place of business of the registrant.
The names of those registrants who do not [return this completed
form to the Board by the date designated,] pay the renewal fee prior
to June 30 of each year shall not be included in the next issue of the
printed roster. The printed roster shall be issued at such intervals
as the Board may designate.
(a) Applications for registration shall be on forms prescribed and
furnished by the Board, shall contain statements made under oath,