one time within two years before the the paffage of this act, the faid chancellor, or court refpec-
tively, may thereupon, at the election of the creditor making fuch allegation, either examine
the faid Andrew Buchanan, and any perfon or perfons to whom he may have made any
conveyance or conveyances of his property, or paffed bonds or evidences of debts as aforefaid,
on interrogatories, on oath or affirmation, touching the fubject of the faid allegations, or direct
an iffue or iffues in a way without the form of an action, to determine the truth of the
fame, and if upon the anfwer or the faid interrogatories, or the trial of the faid iffue or iffues
by a jury, the faid Andrew Buchanan fhall be found guilty of any fraud or deceit of his credi-
tors, or lofs by gaming as aforefaid, he fhall be for ever precluded, from any benefit of this act;
and in cafe the faid Andrew Buchanan, or other perfon, fhall, at any time hereafter, upon any
indictment, be convicted of wilfully, falfely and corruptly fwearing or affirming to any matter
or thing to which he fhall fwear or affirm by virtue of this act, he fhall fuller as in the cafe of
wilful and corrupt perjury, and be for ever debarred from any benefit of this act; provided that
the fale of ftock and plantation utenfils, and feventeen bufhels of fowing rye, by the truftees in
the faid deed to Lloyd Buchanan, brother of the faid Andrew, and for his ufe, fhall not be
confidered as a fale contrary to the provifions of this act.
C H A P.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the faid Andrew Buchanan fhall have been arrefted or im-
prifoned on any procefs fued out on any judgment or decree obtained againft him for any debt,
damages or cofts, contracted, owing, or growing due before the paffage of this act, the court out
of which the procefs iffued fhall and may difcharge the faid Andrew Buchanan on motion; and
if he fhall have been arrefted or imprifoned on any procefs for the recovery of any debt, damages,
or cofts, contracted, owing, or due before the paffing of this act, the court before whom fuch
procefs fhall be returned fhall and may difcharge the faid Andrew Buchanan out of cuftody on
common bail; provided, that the difcharge of the faid Andrew Buchanan fhall not acquit any
other perfon from fuch debt, damages or cofts, or any part thereof, but that all fuch perfons fhall
be anfwerable for the fame in fuch manner as they were before the paffing of this act.
And if arrefted
may be dif-
charged, &c.
C H A P. IV.
An ACT to empower Thomas Johnfon, James Johnfon, Baker Johnfon and
Roger Johnfon, to remove their flaves into this ftate from Virginia,
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Thomas Johnfon, James Johnson,
Baker Johnfon and Roger Johnston, of Frederick county, may, from time to time, resolve
their or any or either of their flaves, and alfo fuch as may be hired and employed in their or any
or either of their fervice, from Loudon county, in Virginia, into Frederick county, in this ftate,
and there employ them in their or any or either of their fervice, from fuch time and times as
they may think fit, in the labour of or concerning the iron-works of them, the faid Thomas
Johnfon, James Johnfon, Baker Johnfon and Roger Johnfon, and that no fuch flave fhall thereby
become free, nor any penalty be thereby incurred any law to the contrary notwithftanding ;
provided, that no flave, not having been a refident this ftate before the paffage of this act,
being brought into Frederick county as aforefaid, fhall be fold or difpofed of to refide with this
ftate, unlefs under execution, or other legal procefs; and provided always, that nothing in this
act fhall be conftrued to authorife the removal of any flave into this ftate who fhall not hereafter
be recorded by the clerk of Frederick county, as required by the act of one thoufand feven hun-
dred and ninety-fix, entitled, An act relating to negroes, and to repeal the acts of affembly
therein mentioned; and provided alfo, that any flave, once recorded as aforefaid, may be after-
wards removed at pleafure, agreeably to the provifions of this act.
Paffed Jan. 15.
Slaves may be
removed, &c.
An ACT relating to the public roads in Caroline county,
WHEREAS the prefent mode of repairing the public roads in Caroline county are found
by experience to be expenfive, and inadequate to the purpofe intended; and it has been
found neceffary that proper regulations fhould forthwith be made for keeping the roads of the
faid county in due repair; therefore,
Paffed Jan. 15.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of the peace for the
county aforefaid, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorifed and required to meet
together on the firft Monday of April next, and on the fame day in every year thereafter, at
the court-houfe in the faid county, and when fo met together, the faid juftices, or a majority of
them, fhall be and they are hereby authorifed and required to defcribe, afcertain and diftinctly
record in a well bound book to be provided by them for that purpofe, the feveral and refpective
roads and public highways in Caroline county, and to nominate and appoint capable and judicious
perfons as overfeers of the feveral and refpective roads aforefaid, according to the number and
divisions of the faid roads, as the fame fhall be afcertained upon their records; provided never-
thelefs, that the faid roads fhall be fo apportioned, divided and defcribed, as not to require a
greater number of overfeers than five in any one hundred of the faid county; and that the faid
juftices, or a majority of them, may adjourn from day to day until the faid roads fhall be duly
afcertained, and overfeers appointed as aforefaid.
Juftices to
meet, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the faid county fhall attend the juftices of the
peace at their faid meeting, and fhall make fair entries and records of their proceedings in
virtue of this act, and fhall, within the fpace of ten days after the appointment of overfeers as
aforefaid, warrants to the faid overfeers, under his hand, and the feal of his office, notify-
ing the faid perfons of their appointments refpectively as overfeers of the faid roads, according
to the ufual forms, having refpect to the alterations required by this act, and the faid clerk fhall,
within the time aforefaid, deliver the faid warrants to the fheriff of Caroline county aforefaid,
and fhall take the receipt of the fheriff of the fame; and the faid fheriff fhall be and he is here-
by authorised and required, within the fpace of twenty days after receiving the faid warrants,
Clerk to attend
the juftices, &c.