C H A P.
the twenty-eighth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-
fix, convey unto the faid Peter Leatherman two tracts or parcels of land, lying and being in the
faid county, called Green Brier and Maple Spring: And whereas the faid John Kolp acquired a
title to the property aforefaid after his emigration to, and fettlement in, this ftate, and before
he had become naturalized agreeably to law, whereby the title of the faid John Kolp to the
aforefaid lands, at the time of the conveyance aforefaid, has become doubtful; therefore,
Title vefted,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the title to the aforefaid lands
be and the fame is hereby as amply and fully vefted in the aforefaid Peter Leatherman, to all
intents and purpofes, as if the faid John Kolp had been naturalized before his title to the faid
property had been acquired, faving neverthelefs to all perfons whatfoever, who may have ac-
quired, under the prefent exifting laws of this ftate, a title to the property aforefaid, or any
part thereof.
Paffed Jan. 15.
An ACT for the relief of Margaret Lucorft, of Frederick county.
WHEREAS it hath been reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of Margaret
Lucorft, of Frederick county, widow of Luke Lucorft, of the faid county, deceafed,
that the faid Luke Lucorft, by his laft will and teftament in writing, bearing date the feventh
day of February, in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four, did give
and bequeath unto his faid wife Margaret, all and every part of a lot of ground number one,
with the buildings and improvements thereon, lying and being in Pence-town, being an addition
to Frederick-town, in the county aforefaid: And whereas the faid Luke Lucorft acquired the
aforefaid property after his emigration to, and fettlement in, this ftate, and before he had become
naturalized agreeably to law, whereby the title of the faid Luke Lucorft to the aforefaid pro-
perty has become doubtful; therefore,
Title vefted,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the title to the aforefaid pro-
perty be and the fame is hereby as amply and fully vefted in the aforefaid Margaret Lucorft, to
all intents and purpofes, as if the faid Luke Lucorft had been naturalized before his title to the
faid property had been acquired; faving neverthelefs to all perfons whatfoever who may have
acquired, under the prefent exifting laws of, this ftate, a title to the property aforefaid, or any
part thereof.
Paffed Jan. 10.
An ACT for the relief of Andrew Buchanan.
WHEREAS Andrew Buchanan, of the city of Baltimore, merchant, by his petition to
this general affembly has fet forth, that by reafon of many misfortunes and loffes in trade
he is unable wholly to fatisfy his creditors: And whereas it appears that the faid Andrew
Buchanan did, by a certain deed in writing, on the twenty-lint day of July, in the year of our
Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-feven, convey, affign and transfer, unto John
Hofkins Stone and Walter Dorfey, in truft, all his property, real, perfonal and mixed, and all
his books, papers, and evidences of debts of every kind, for the benefit of fuch of his creditors
as might thereafter fign the faid deed, either in perfon or by attorney, within twelve months
from the date of the fame: And whereas it alfo appears that two thirds in value of the creditors
of the faid Andrew Buchanan either poffefs mortgages upon the real property of the faid An-
drew Buchanan, or have actually figned the faid deed of truft, and that there is every reafon to
believe, from the letters and affurances of the agents of other creditors of the faid Andrew
Buchanan, that feveral others of the faid creditors, not now refiding within the limits of the
United States, will, by attorney, fign the faid deed; from all which circumftances it appearing
to this general affembly reafonable to grant the faid Andrew Buchanan relief; therefore,
A. Buchanan
difcharged, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Andrew Buchanan be
and he is hereby difcharged from all debts, promifes, contracts, covenants and agreements,
due, owing or growing due, incurred, contracted, made or entered into, by him, in his feparate
capacity, or in partnerfhip of trade, before the date of the faid deed, fo as aforefaid made in
truft to John Hofkins Stone and Walter Dorfey; and that the faid deed fhall be valid and remain
and enure, fully and effectually in law and equity, to all intents and purpofes, and to fuch per-
fons, and on fuch terms, as are therein defcribed and expreffed; provided that any property
which the faid Andrew Buchanan has acquired, or fhall acquire, by defcent, fince the date of
the faid deed, and any property which he has acquired, or fhall acquire, fince the date of the
faid deed, in his own right, by devife, bequeft, or in a courfe of diftribution, fhall be liable to
the payment of his faid debts; and provided alfo, that the difcharge of the faid Andrew Bucha-
nan in virtue of this act, fhall not difcharge any perfon who now is or fhall be liable or anfwera-
ble for him in any manner whatfoever for any order, promife, contract, covenant or agreement,
due, owing or growing due, incurred, contracted, made or entered into, before the date of the
faid deed.
When fraud is
alleged he may
be examined,
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any creditor of the faid Andrew Buchanan fhall within
two years from the paffage of this act, allege in writing to the chancellor, or to the general
court of the weftern fhore, or the county court of the county where the faid Andrew Buchanan
fhall refide, that he hath, before the date of the faid deed, or the paffing of this act, directly or
indirectly fold, conveyed, affigned, or otherwife difpofed of, or purchafed in truft for himfelf, or
any of his family or relations, or any other perfon or perfons, intrufted or confifcated, any part
of his property of any kind, or any part of his debts, rights or claims, thereby to deceive or de-
fraud his creditors, or any of them, or to receive or expect any profit or advantage thereby, or
that he has paffed bonds, or other evidences of debt, either without confideration, or on im-
proper consideration, or loft more than one hundred pounds current money by gaming at any