all that portion or part of the public ground herein after defcribed, after laying the fame off in
fuch manner as to them fhall feem beft, and giving three weeks public notice of the time and
terms of fale, beginning for the part hereby intended to be fold on the eaft fide of Saint-Paul's
lane, at the moft foutherly corner of the faid public grounds on Saint-Paul's lane, and running
northerly with Saint-Paul's lane one hundred and thirty-two feet to the outline of faid public
grounds, then with the faid outline north, eighty-eight degrees and three quarters of a decree
eaft, two hundred and ten feet to a point one hundred and fifty-three feet weft from the north
line of Calvert-ftreet continued, then foutherly parallel with Calvert-ftreet one hundred and
thirty-two feet, thence to the beginning, and the monies arifing therefrom to appropriate towards
building the faid new gaol, or apply in difcharge of debts contracted in the erection thereof.
C H A P.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all cafes of fales made as aforefaid, the faid commiffioners,
or a majority of them, or a majority of fuch as fhall be duly appointed, are hereby authorifed to
pafs fuch deed or deeds therefor, on the payment of the purchafe money, as by them may be
deemed right and proper for the effectual transfer of faid property, in fee, to thole who fhall be-
come purchafers as aforefaid, and generally to do all fuch matters and things as may be neceffary
the more effectually to carry into effect the purpofes of this act.
to pafs deeds,
VI. AND, whereas the fale of fpirituous liquors within the gaol by thofe employed in the
keeping thereof has been attended with the moft pernicious effects; therefore, BE IT ENACTED
That no fheriff or gaoler, or any perfon or perfons by him or them employed, fhall keep a tavern
for the fale of fpirituous liquors within the faid new gaol, or within one eighth of a mile of the
faid new gaol, or the limits thereof; and if the fheriff of Baltimore county, or his gaol keeper
or any other perfon or perfons employed to keep or attend on faid new gaol, fhall, either by him
or themfelves, or by their agent or agents, difpofe of, fell or retail, or be concerned with others
in the difpofal, fale or retailing, of any fpirituous liquors, of whatsoever kind it may be, to any
perfon or perfons coming to faid gaol on a vifit, or to any prifoner or prifoners confined in faid
gaol, the faid fheriff, keeper or perfon, fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of twenty-
dollars for each time he fhall fell, or be concerned in the fale of fuch fpirituous liquors as afore-
faid, to be recovered by indictment, and applied to the ufe of Baltimore county.
Sheriff, &c. not
to keep a ta-
vern, &c.
An ACT to open a road in Caecil county from Archibald Dyfart's towards Hugh
Ramfay's tavern.
WHEREAS provifion hath been made by the legifiature of Pennfylvania to lay out a new
road, in as ftreight a direction as the nature of the ground will admit, from Hugh Ram-
fay's tavern, in Chefter county, to Archibald Dyfart's tavern, in Caecil county, which road can
he opened by the legislature of faid ftate only as far as the line thereof; and it appearing that the
faid road, fo to be opened, can be of no utility unlefs the fame can be extended through this
ftate as far as faid Dyfart's tavern; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Caecil county
be and are hereby authorifed, in their difcretion, on the application of two thirds of the taxable
inhabitants of North Milford and Eaft Nottingham hundred; therefor, to lay out and open a road,
beginning at the Maryland line where the faid line is interfected by a new road which is laid out,
or intended to be laid out, from faid Ramfay's toward faid Dyfart's tavern, and to be extended
through Caecil county, in as ftreight a line as the nature of the ground will admit, until it inter-
feels the road from Fair Hill to faid Dyfart's tavern, and the faid road fhall be laid out in fuch
manner as the levy court is authorifed to lay out ftreighten and amend public roads in faid
county; provided no part of the money levied, or hereafter to be levied, on Caecil county, fhall
be expended in opening, making, or at anytime hereafter in repairing, the faid road.
Paffed Jan. 18.
An ACT for the relief of Thomas Randall, of Baltimore county.
WHEREAS it appears to this general affembly, that a certain Philip Littick contracted with
the commiffioners of the late proprietary for the purchafe of thirty-feven acres of land,
part of the referve land in Baltimore county, and had furveyed for him on the tenth day of Ja-
nuary, feventeen hundred and feventy-one, the land fo purchafed, as appears by the certificate
thereof; that the faid Philip Littick made an affignment on the twenty-fifth clay of January,
feventeen hundred and feventy-two, of all his right and title to the certificate of the faid land
unto the faid Thomas Randall, having firft paid to the commiffioners aforefaid the fum of one
pound fourteen fhillings and ten-pence halfpenny, in part of the purchafe money; that an act of
affembly paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and eighty-one, authoring the commiffi-
oners for confifcated property to call on all perfons who entered into agreements with the late
proprietary, or his commiffioners, for the purchafe of manor lands, to pay the money by them
agreed to be paid, and upon fuch payment to releafe and convey the right of the ftate to the
purchafer: that the faid Thomas Randall paid to the faid commiffioners the fum of eight pounds
eighteen fhillings and feven-pence halfpenny sterling, being the balance of the fum due for the
purchafe of the faid land, and interest thereon, and on the feventh day of June, feventeen hun-
dred and eighty-two, obtained a deed from the commiffioners aforefaid for the land aforefaid, as
being part of the reserve or lands in Baltimore county, but without other defcription, or
other courfes being expreffed in the faid deed, and there being no record in any office of the metes,
bounds, courfes and distances, of the faid land, therefore,
Paffed Jan. 18.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the register of the land-office be
and he is hereby authorifed and directed to iffue a patent, in favour of the faid Thomas Randall,
for all that tract or parcel of land called Friendship, containing thirty-feven acres, more or lefs,
according to the courfes, diftances and expreffions, as fet forth in an original certificate thereof
A patent to if-
fue, &c.