Paffed Jan. 18.
An ACT refpecting proceedings in the high court of chancery.
WHEREAS doubts have arifen, under the exifting powers vefted in the court of chancery,
that the production of books and papers in the poffeffion of either complainant or defend-
ant, and which relate to the matters in iffue between the parties, cannot be compelled or en-
forced, whereby in many inftances the ends of juftice cannot be obtained; therefore,
Chancellor to
have power to
decree, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chancellor fhall have power
and authority, on the application of either party, on the trial of any actions at law depending
in the general courts, or on any bill inftituted in the chancery court, either for difcovery or re-
lief, to require and decree that the parties fhall produce either the original books, writings or
papers, or copies certified by a juftice of the peace, of all fuch parts of fuch books, writings, or
papers, in their poffeffion or power, as contain evidence pertinent to the iffue, or relative to the
matters in difpute between the parties, to be ufed as evidence at the tract of fuch caufe or caufes;
provided, that before any fuch order fhall be made, the party making inch application fhall fatisfy
the chancellor, on oath or affirmation, that the faid books, writings or papers, contain material
and neceffary evidence, and that fuch party cannot fafely proceed to the trial of his, her, or their
cafe without the benefit of fuch teftimony.
Paffed Jan. 18.
An ACT to make valid and confirm the title in the lands therein mentioned to
Rebecca Maria Harriet Buchanan.
WHEREAS Miftrefs Anne Ogle did heretofore convey certain lands lying on the eaftern
fhore to her grand-daughter, Rebecca Maria Harriet Anderfon, now the wife of Thomas
Buchanan, of Charles county, and the faid Rebecca Maria Harriet, was born in England, of
American parents, but did not come to this country until after the peace of feventeen hundred
and eighty-three, and doubts are entertained as to the competency of the faid Rebecca Maria
Harriet to hold the faid real eftate ;
Conveyance to
take effect, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid conveyance fhall operate
and take effect in the fame manner as if the faid Rebecca Maria Harriet had been a natural
born citizen of this ftate; and the faid Rebecca Maria Harriet fhall be and fhe is hereby de-
clared to have all the benefits and privileges of a natural born citizen, and competent to hold
real eftate, as if born within this ftate.
Paffed Jan. 18.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for eftablifhing and fecuring the falary
of the chancellor.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chancellor fhall be entitled to
receive, for all duties and fervices whatever prefcribed, or to be prefcribed, by , an
annual falary of twelve hundred and feventy-five pounds current money, and no more, to be paid
quarterly by the treafurer of the weftern fhore.
II. This act to continue and be in force till the twentieth day of October, eighteen hundred
and until the end of the nest feffion of affembly that fhall happen thereafter.
Paffed Jan. 18.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for building a new gaol in Baltimore
WHEREAS by the act to which this is a fupplement the commiffioners therein named are
directed to build the new gaol for Baltimore county upon the public grounds in the city
of Baltimore appropriated by law for the gaol and court-houfe of faid county, and it being re-
prefented that the faid grounds are fituated within a fmall diftance from the moft central and
populous part of the faid city, and confequently highly improper for fuch a building; therefore,
may receive by
donation, &c.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the commiffioners named in the
original act to which this is a fupplement, or a majority of them, or a majority of fuch as fhall
be duly appointed, are hereby authorifed and empowered to receive by donation, or to purchafe
in fee fimple, a lot or lots of ground in the city of Baltimore, or the precincts thereof, and to
erect thereon the new gaol contemplated by the original act to which this is a fupplement, the
faid lot of ground fo given or purchased to be conveyed to the faid commiffioners for the ufe of
Baltimore county; and the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them, or a majority of fuch as
fhall be duly appointed, are hereby authorifed to pay for the faid lot or lots of ground, if the
fame fhall be obtained by purchafe, out of any monies which now are or may hereafter come into
their hands for the purpofe of building the faid new gaol.
Where the gaol
is to be erected,
III. PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT ENACTED, That the faid gaol fhall be erected and built
on a lot of ground on the eaft fide of Jones's falls, and not at a greater diftance from the court-
houfe in faid county than a lot owned by William Wilfon on faid falls; and if the faid ground
cannot be procured on the faid falls, that then and in that cafe the commiffioners aforefaid are
hereby directed to build the faid gaol as directed in the original act to which this is a fupple-
If a lot can be
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if a lot of ground on Jones's falls can be procured for build-
ing thereon the gaol aforefaid, within the diftance aforefaid, that then and not before, the faid
commiffioners, or a majority of them, or a majority of fuch as fhall be duly appointed, are here-
by authorised to difpofe of and fell at public auction on a credit of fix, nine and twelve months,