LAND, begun and held at the City of ANNAPOLIS on Monday
the fifth of November, in the year of our Lord one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety-eight, and ended the twentieth day
of January, feventeen hundred and ninety-nine, the following
LAWS were enacted :
C H A P. I.
An ACT to fettle and ascertain the falary of members of the council for the
enfuing year.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That each member of the council fhall
be entitled to receive, for the enfuing year, the fum of two hundred pounds current money
for his falary.
Paffed Jan. 15.
Salary afcer-
An ACT, entitled, An act to confirm an act, entitled, An act to alter and re-
peal thofe parts of the conftitution and form of government that make the
commiffioners of Baltimore-town judges of the elections for delegates and for
elector of the fenate.
Paffed Jan. 15.
WHEREAS at a feffion of affembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis on Monday
the fixth of November, in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-
feven, an act of affembly, entitled, An act to alter and repeal thofe parts of the conftitution
and form of government that make the commiffioners of Baltimore-town judges of the elections
for delegates and for elector of the fenate, was paired, to alter and repeal thofe parts of the
conftitution and form of government that are therein mentioned; And whereas the faid act of
affembly hath been publifhed in due form for the fpace of three months next before the late
general election of delegates to the houfe of delegates, according to the provifions of the faid
form of government, and this general affembly hereby intend to confirm the faid act,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid act, entitled, An act to
alter and repeal thofe parts of the conftitution and form of government that make the commif-
fioners of Baltimore-town judges of the elections for delegates and for elector of the fenate, be
and it is hereby confirmed and made valid, to every intent and purpofe therein mentioned.
An act con-
An ACT to authorise and empower the levy court of Baltimore county to affefs
and levy annually a fum of money for the fupport of Honour Bofley, an idiot,
of Baltimore county.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general affembly, by the petition of Rachel Bofley, of
Baltimore county, that fhe is a widow, and has a daughter an idiot, now near forty
years of age, and that fhe is entirely unable to fupport herfelf and daughter, and praying that
an act may pafs for the fupport and maintenance of her faid daughter; and the prayer of the
petitioner appearing reafonable, therefore,
Paffed Jan. 15.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of the levy court
for the time being for Baltimore county fhall and they are hereby authorised and empowered to
appoint Rachel Bofley guardian or truftee, or any other perfon they may think proper, for the
purpofe of receiving, and applying to the ufe and fupport of Honour Bofley, an idiot, whatever
fum of money may be by the juftices of the levy-court of Baltimore county affeffed and levied as
hereafter directed.
Juftices to ap-
point a guardi-
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the juftices of the levy court for the time being of Baltimore
county fhall and they are hereby authorifed and empowered to affefs and levy annually on faid
county the fum of twenty dollars for the fupport and maintenance of the aforefaid Honour
Bofley, and that the fame be collected and paid to her guardian or truftee by the collector or
collectors of Baltimore county, agreeably to the order of the levy court aforefaid, and paid over
to her faid guardian or truftee on or before the firft day of November in each year.
And levy mo-
ney, &c.
IV. PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT ENACTED, That the juftices aforefaid, before they grant
the faid allowance, fhall be fatisfied that the faid Honour Bofley is an idiot at the time of grant-
ing fuch allowance.
C H A P. IV.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the deftruction of wolves in Alle-
gany county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that wolves are very numerous and
mifchievous in the county aforefaid, and that they deftroy a great number of fheep;
Paffed Jan. 15.