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Session Laws, 1798
Volume 653, Page 14   View pdf image
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C H A P.

charge from ferving, or any other disqualification of any perfon chofen a veftryman, the rector,
(if any,) or if no rector, any two of the veftry, or of thofe perfons who laft poffeffed the powers
of veftrymen, fhall, with all convenient fpeed, appoint a general meeting of the parifhioners
entitled to fuffrage as aforefaid, at the parifh church or elfewhere, as hereinbefore mentioned;
and at fuch meeting, fuch of them as fhall affemble fhall proceed, by a majority of votes, to fill
up fuch vacancy or vacancies from among the perfons qualified to vote, as herein before pro-
vided and on every Easter Monday for ever, after the firft election as herein before directed,
the parifhioners entitled to fuffrage fhall affemble, as herein before prefcribed, and they, or fuch
of them as may affemble, fhall, by a majority of votes, put out four of the eight veftrymen whom
they , and fhall immediately thereafter elect, by ballot, four veftrymen from among the
perfons qualified to vote, including thofe whom they have voted out, all or any of whom they
may re-elect, and fuch perfons fo chofen, with the remaining veftrymen and the rector, fhall be
the veftry for the enfuing year,

Veftrymen to
judge of electi-
ons, &c.

V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the veftrymen of each parifh or a majority of thofe who fhall

attend, fhall judge of the election of vestrymen, and of the qualification of voters, and of the
qualification of the parifhioners propofed to be elected as vestrymen.

Oaths to be


VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every perfon chofen a veftryman fhall, before he acts as fuch,
take and fubfcribe the oath of fupport and fidelity required by the conftitution and form of go-
vernment, unlefs fuch perfon hath before taken fuch oath, and alfo make and fubfcribe a decla-
ration of his belief in the chriftian religion, and he fhall alfo take and fubfcribe the following
oath of office, to wit: " I, A. B. do folemnly fwear, that I will faithfully execute the office of
" a veftryman of ——— parifh, in —— county, without prejudice, favour or affection, according

" to the beft of my fkill and knowledge;" which oaths and declarations any juftice of the peace,
or any veftryman prefent, may adminifter and take.

Says on which
veftries are to
be held.

VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the firft Monday in February, May, Auguft and November,
in each year, fhall be the days on which a veftry fhall be held in every parifh, at eleven o'clock
in the forenoon, at the place at which veftry elections are directed by this act to be held, with-
out any notice given thereof, and every veftry may alfo hold adjourned or fpecial meetings at
fuch times and places as they may agree upon; at any which time or place, any four veftrymen,
together with the rector, if he fhall attend, if not, any four without him, fhall be a fufficient
quorum for the tranfaction of any bufinefs whatever, which they are authorised to do by this
act, and whatfoever fhall be thus done by a majority of fuch quorum, or of the members at-
tending, if more than above directed, fhall be valid and obligatory as if done by the whole
veftry, provided always, that due notice of all adjourned and fpecial meetings fhall be given to
all the members of the veftry.

Rector to pre-
fide, &c.

VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the rector of each parifh for the time being fhall prefide in
the veftry, collect the votes, and fhall, upon an equal divifion of thofe prefent, have a vote,
except in cafes in which he is in any manner particularly interefted, and he fhall have, except
he may otherwife contract with the veftry, the poffeffion, occupation and free ufe of all the

glebe-lands, houfes, ground-rents, books and other property, belonging to his parifh, and be en-
titled to the benefit thereof during the time he fhall officiate therein as rector.

Veftry to have
an eftate in all
churches, &c.

IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the veftry of each parifh for the time being, as truftees of the
parifh, fhall have an eftate in fee-fimple in all churches and chapels, and in all glebes, and other
lands, and fhall have a good title and eftate in all other property heretofore belonging to the
church of England, or which fhall hereafter belong to the faid church, now called the Proteftant
Epifcopal Church, in Maryland; and it fhall be lawful for fuch veftry fo to manage and direct all
fuch property as they may think moll advantageous to the interefts of the parifhioners, and they
fhall alfo have the property in all books, plate and other ornaments belonging to faid churches
and chapels, or any of them.

Penalty on the
rector for wafte,


X. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any rector fhall commit any wafte on any glebe-land, or other

land belonging to the veftry of his parifh, or if he fhall do any injury to his parfonage, or to his
parifh library, he fhall be liable to pay treble damages, to be recovered of him by the veftry in
their corporate name, in the fame manner as if he was not one of the veftry,

dens to be

XI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That on every Eafter Monday, immediately after the election of
Veftrymen, the veftry fhall proceed to choofe from among the perfons qualified to vote, two fober,
difcreet and pious perfons, to be churchwardens for the enfuing year, and before they act as fuch,
they fhall take and fubfcribe the oath of fidelity, and make and fubfcribe the declaration herein
before prefcribed to be taken by veftrymen, and alfo an oath, that they will faithfully difcharge
the duties of a churchwarden.

Who fhall have
power to keep
the peace, &c.

XII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every churchwarden fhall have power to keep the peace, and
alfo preferve order and decency in his refpective church or chapels; and it fhall be lawful for any
churchwarden to apprehend any perfon guilty of any breach of the peace, or of any disorderly
conduct, or of making a noife in any church or chapel, or in the church or chapel-yard, or other
enclosure, fo as to difturb the congregation, and to turn fuch perfon out of the church, chapel-
yard, or other enclofure thereto belonging; and it fhall be the duty of any perfon (who may be
called upon), to affift the churchwarden in the before mentioned duties.

time, &c.

XIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if, from any caufe whatever, thofe perfons qualified, to vote
in any parifh fhould fuffer Eafter Monday to elapfe without any election of veftrymen, then the
faid election may be held on any other day appointed for the purpofe, at any time after, although
it may be in any fubfequent year, of which day notice fhall be given by the rector (if any) in

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