III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every perfon or perfons who fhall produce a certificate as
aforefaid to the juftices of Frederick county at the levy court, fhall, for every old wolf's head,
Be allowed fixteen dollars, and for every young wolf's head be allowed eight dollars, to be by the
faid juftices affeffed and levied in the county levy, together with the fheriff's or collector's com-
miffion for collecting the fame; and to be paid by the fheriff or collector to fuch perfon or
perfon or perfons as fhall be entitled to the fame as aforefaid, any thing in any other law to the contrary
C H A P.
To be allowed
at the levy
IV. This act to continue and be in force for four years, and to the end of the next feffion of
affembly which fhall happen thereafter.
An ACT for the relief of Philemon Dorfey, of Anne-Arundel county, a lunatic.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the annual proceeds of the
perfonal eftate of the faid Philemon Dorfey is by no means fufficient for his support, and
that he is feized in fee of two parcels of land, fituate in Anne-Arundel county, which are totally
unproductive, the one not being improved, and the other fubject to the life eftate of his mother,
and that if the fame, or part thereof, were fold on a credit, and the proceeds loaned out on
intereft, for the life of the faid lunatic, that the fame would be amply fufficient for his fupport
and maintenance; and it appearing reafonable the real eftate of the faid lunatic fhould be applied
to his fupport,
Paffed Jan, 15.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chancellor for the time being
fhall have power and authority, upon application of any perfon on the part of faid Philemon
Dorfey, and being fatisfied that it is neceffary for the fupport and maintenance of the faid Philemon
Dorfey, to order the whole, or fuch part of the real estate of faid Philemon Dorfey as he may
think neceffary, to be fold for the purpofe aforefaid, upon fuch terms as he may think proper,
and to appoint a truftee or truftees for the purpofe of effecting fuch fale or fales.
Chancellor to
order a fale, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fales made by the authority of the chancellor under this
act, fhall be notified to, and confirmed by the chancellor, before any conveyance of the property
fhall be made; and bond, with good and fufficient fecurity, to be approved by the chancellor,
fhall be given by the perfon or perfons empowered to fell the property as aforefaid, for the due
execution of the truft committed, which bond fhall be lodged with the register in chancery.
To be confirm-
ed by him, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the chancellor fhall have full power and authority to direct
the application of money arifing from fuch fale or ftales, and the intereft thereof, for the purpofes
aforefaid, and to direct from time to time in what funds the money arifing from faid fales fhall
be be vefted, and in all things to order in the premifes as he may direct for the benefit and advantage
of faid lunatic.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the principal fum arifing from the fale of faid real eftate,
or fo much thereof as may remain be applied to the ufe and maintenance of faid lunatic, during
the life-time of faid lunatic, fhall, on the death of the faid lunatic, belong to fuch perfon or perfons
perfons, his, her or their heirs, or legal reprefentatives as would have been entitled to the
faid real eftate in cafe the fame had not been fold.
He may direct
the application
of the money.
An ACT for the eftablifhment of veftries for each parifh in this ftate.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the act for the eftablifhment of
felect veftries, and the fupplements thereto are inadequate to the exigencies of the pro-
teftant epifcopal church in this ftate, for which the faid acts were intended to provide,
Paffed Jan. 15.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That veftries fhall be chofen for each
parifh within this ftate in the following manner: Every free white male citizen of this ftate
above twenty-one years of age, refident of the parifh where he offers to vote fix months next
preceding the day of election, who fhall have been entered on the books of the faid parifh one
month at leaft preceding the day of election as a member of the proteftant epifcopal church, and
who fhall alfo contribute to the charges of the faid parifh in which he offers to vote fuch fum as
a majority of the veftry in each parifh fhall annually, within ten days after their election, in
writing, make known and declare, not exceeding two dollars, fhall have a right of fuffrage in
the election of veftrymen for fuch parifh; and all perfons fo qualified fhall, on the next enfuing
Eafter Monday, affemble in their refpective parifhes, at their parifh church, or if there fhall be
two or more proteftant epifcopal churches in any parifh, at the church firft built therein, or if
there be in any parifh no fuch church, then at fuch other places the rector of the parifh, or if
there be no rector, as any three or more veftrymen, may have publically notified to the parifhioners
and the faid perfons, fo qualified to vote, when affembled, or fuch of them as may affemble in
each parifh, fhall proceed, by a majority of votes, to elect, by ballot, eight veftrymen from
among the perfons qualified to vote, who with the rector of the parifh for the time being, fhall
be deemed and confidered the veftry of the parifh for the enfuing year, and the rector of
the parifh fhall always be one of the vestry.
How veftries
are to be
chofen, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the register of the parifh fhall, and it is hereby declared to
be his duty, to enrol any perfon of the protestant episcopal church who fhall apply for the pur-
pofe, on the books of the parifh, under the penalty of eight dollars, and he fhall be authorifed
to demand and receive the fum of fix cents for each and every fuch enrolment.
Regifter to en-
rol perfons, &c.
IV. AND, to perpetuate the veftry in each parifh BE IT ENACTED, That on refufal to ferve,
refignation, death, or removal from the parifh with a view to refide elfewhere, or on legal dif-
How vacancies
are to be filled.