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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 85   View pdf image
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J O H N H E N R Y, Efquire, Governor.


II. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fuperintend the collection of all
arrearages and balances due from the feveral collectors of the refpective counties

within the ftate, appointed fince the firft day of January, feventeen hundred and
eighty-three; and the faid agent is hereby authorifed and required to call upon
treafurers of the refpective fhores for an accurate ftatement of all arrearages
and balances due from fuch collectors, and fuch accounts fhall be furnifhed by

the faid treafurers accordingly.

C H A P.


To fuperin-
tend the col-
lection of ar-
rearages, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of balances due to the ftate on the auditor's books, or on open account;

and the faid agent fhall have power to require payment of, and, if neceffary, to
fue for and recover the fame; and the faid agent, with the approbation of the
governor and council, may make competition with any fuch debtors, and take
bonds to, the ftate, with fufficient fecurity, and give time for payment, not ex-
ceeding two years from the firft day of January, feventeen hundred and ninety-

Of balances
on the audi-
tor's books,

IV. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of all monies due to the ftate for naval duties, fines, penalties, for-
feitures and americaments, and forfeited recognizances, and for ordinary, retailers
and marriage licenses, and to require payment, and, if neceffary, fue for and re-

cover the fame; and the faid agent may allow for infolvencies, and credit any
money that the party is not chargeable with by law, and for his information of

the law, he may take the advice of the attorney-general in writing.

And all mo-
nies due for
duties, &c.

V. And be it enacted, That whenever there fhall be occafion to expofe to
public fale the property of any collector, or his fecurities, by virtue or any exe-
cution already iffued, or to be iffued for this purpofe, the faid agent fhall caufe
at leaft thirty days public notice to be given of fuch fale, and fhall attend the

fame, and if it fhall appear that there is danger of lofing any part of the debt
due to the ftate, and not otherwife, fhall purchafe any property fo expofed to
fale for the ufe of the ftate, in payment, or part payment, as the cafe may be,
of the arrearages due by the collectors whole property may be fo purchafed, and
no purchafe authorised by this act fhall be confidered as made on the part of
the ftate, unlefs a public declaration to that effect be made by the agent, or his
deputy, immediately after fuch fale and purchafe; and any property fo purchafed
for the ufe of the ftate, the faid agent may again expofe to public auction on the
moft advantageous terms, to the ufe of the ftate, and if the fame be fold on
credit, which fhall in no cafe exceed the term of two years, the faid agent fhall
take bond, with good and fufficient fecurity, to be approved of by the treafurer
of the weftern fhore, from the purchafers of fuch property, and all bonds by
him fo taken fhall be depofited, with an accurate lift thereof fubfcribed by him,
in the treafury of the weftern fhore, and fhall be a lien upon the real property of
fuch purchafers, and their fecurities, from the refpective dates, or fo much there-
of as is mentioned in the fchedule thereto annexed.

Notice to be
give of fales,


VI. And be it enacted, That the faid agent is hereby directed to difpofe of all
confifcated Britifh property that remains unfold, and take bonds to the ftate,
with fufficient fecurity, and give time for the payment thereof, not exceeding
two years from the firft day of January, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-
eight; and that where the quantity of land in any one body fubject to fuch fale
exceeds the quantity of fifty acres, fuch land fhall be difpofed of at public fale,
of the time and place of which fale at leaft thirty days previous notice fhall be
given by public advertisement; and that at the time of any file by virtue of this
act, the faid agent fhall make known that he only fells the right of this ftate
thereto, and that the ftate doth not guaranty the title to the fame, or any part
thereof, but that the purchafe muft be in all refpects at the rifk of the pur-


Agent to dif-
pofe of certain

property, &c.

VII. And be it enacted, That no payment in future by any officer or perfon
indebted to the ftate fhall be valid and effectual, unlefs made to the treafurer of

No payment
to be valid,


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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 85   View pdf image
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