J O H N HENRY, Efquire, Governor.
IV. And be it enacted, That after the faid directors fhall be appointed, they
fhall have full power and authority to receive fubfcriptions for all unfubfcribed or
vacant fhares, and thereupon the powers heretofore vefted in the managers for
taking in fubfcriptions fhall ceafe; and that there be a meeting of the directors
quarterly, for the purpofe of regulating the affairs of the corporation, any feven
of whom to make a board, and that the board have power to adjourn from time
to time; and the prefident, or any three of the directors, may call a fpecial
meeting at any other time they may think neceffary.
C H A P.
Directors to
receive fub-
V. And be it enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid
president and directors, their fuperintendents, furveyors, engineers, artifts and
chain-bearers, to enter into and upon all and every the lands, tenements and en-
clofures, in, through and over which the faid intended turnpike road may be
thought proper to pafs, and to examine the ground moft proper for the purpofe,
and the quarries and beds of ftone and gravel, and other materials, in the vicini-
ty, that will be neceffary in making and conftructing the faid road, and to fur-
vey, lay down, afcertain, mark and fix fuch rout or track for the fame, as, in
the beft of their judgment and fkill, will combine fhortnefs of diftance with the
moil practicable ground, from the city of Baltimore through Frederick-town,
in Frederick county, and from Frederick-town to Boonesborough, in Wafhing-
ton county, and after paffing through Boonesborough, then to branch at fuch
convenient place as the president and directors may judge expedient, one branch
thereof to lead to Williams-Port, the other to Elizabeth-town, in the faid coun-
ty; provided that the faid road fhall not be carried through any building, garden
or yard, without the confent of the owner and poffeffor thereof.
Prefident, &c.
may enter on
lands, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That the faid prefident and directors, after they fhall
have laid out and marked the faid road, are hereby directed to return the courfes,
bounds and plots thereof, to the clerk of Baltimore county court, and duplicates
thereof to the clerks of Frederick, Wafhington and Anne-Arundel county courts,
to be by them recorded at the expence of the faid body corporate; and that the
faid road, fo laid out and returned as aforefaid, fhall be for ever thereafter taken,
held and adjudged, a public road and common highway.
Courfes, &c.
to be return-
ed, &c.
VII. And be it enacted, That the faid prefident and directors, and their fuc-
ceffors, or a majority of them, affembled, fhall have full power and authority,
from time to time, to agree with and employ any perfon or perfons, on behalf of
the faid company, to grub, clear, ftone and make faid road fixty-fix feet in
breadth, in the manner hereafter directed, and to do all other things for the com-
pletion of faid road in the manner required by this act; and that the prefident
and directors may eftablifh rules and regulations for conducting the bufinefs of
the corporation, and appoint the various officers and labourers, and pay all ex-
pences, which they may find neceffary.
President, &c.
may agree
with perfons,
VIII. And be it enacted, That the fums fo fubfcribed before the faid directors
fhall be appointed as aforefaid, fhall be paid to the directors as follows, to wit :
One fourth thereof at the end of one month after the election of the directors,
one fourth at the end of one year after the election of the directors, one fourth
at the end of eighteen months after the election of the directors, and the refidue
at the end of two years after the election of the directors; and that all fubfcrip-
tions which fhall be fo made, after the election of fuch directors, fhall be paid
in fuch manner, and in fuch proportions, as the faid directors fhall from time to
time order and direct; provided neverthelefs, that the directors for the time
being may, in their difcretion, fufpend, or totally releafe, the payments of any
part of the faid fubfcriptions, made before or after the election of directors, as
they may find expedient; and if any fubfcriber fhall fail in making payment as
aforefaid within fixty days after the time limitted therefor, he fhall be liable to
forfeit, if the poffeffor of one fhare, the faid fhare fo fubfcribed, as alfo all
monies paid on account thereof; if the fubfcriber fo failing fhall be the holder
of more than one fhare, he fhall be entitled to retain and hold as many fhares
as the fums of money by him advanced will pay for, the remaining fhares, as
Sums fub-
fcribed to be
paid to the
directors, &c.