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Session Laws, 1797
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L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.

Paffed Janua-

ry 20.

An ACT to lay out and eftablifh a turnpike road from, the city of
Baltimore through Frederick-town, in Frederick county, to
Elizabeth-town and Williams-Port, in Washington county.

Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That a fubfcription be
opened for a capital of five hundred thoufand dollars, in fhares of one
hundred dollars each, and that Luke Tiernan, Peter Hoffman, fenior,
and Hezekiah Claggett, be and they are hereby appointed managers for taking
fubfcriptions for three thoufand fhares at the city of Baltimore; and that Philip
Thomas, George Murdock and William Murdock Beall, be and they are hereby
appointed managers for taking fubfcriptions for one thoufand fhares at Frederick-
town, in Frederick county; and that Rezin Davis, Nathaniel Rochefter and Elie
Williams, be and they are hereby appointed managers for taking fubfcriptions for
one thoufand fhares at Elizabeth-town, in Wafhington county; and that the
faid fubfcriptions fhall be opened on the fecond Monday in March next, of
which fix weeks previous and fucceffive notice fhall be given in the city of Balti-
more, Frederick-town, Elizabeth-town, Eafton and Annapolis news-papers; at
which refpective times and places one or more of the faid managers fhall attend,
and the fubfcription books fhall be continued open until the capital aforefaid fhall
be fubfcribed and on the completion thereof, a juft and true lift of all the fub-
fcribers, with the fhares fubfcribed by each, fhall be made out and returned by
the faid managers, under their hands, to the clerks of Baltimore, Frederick and
Wafhington county courts, who are hereby feverally authorifed and directed to
record the fame among the land records of their refpective counties; and an at-
tefted copy of fuch records, and leal of their office, or either of them, fhall in
all cafes be fufficient evidence of fuch fubfcription.

A meeting
may be call-

ed, &c.

II. And be it enacted, That as foon as three thoufand fhares, fhall be fub-
fcribed, the perfons hereby empowered to take in fubfcriptions, or a majority of
them, may call a meeting of the fubfcribers at the city of Baltimore, after not
lefs than fix fucceffive weeks notice in the city of Baltimore, Frederick-town,

Elizabeth-town, Eafton and Annapolis news-papers and the fubfcribers affem-
bled in confequence of fuch notice fhall choofe, by ballot, from among the fub-
fcribers, by a majority of the votes of fuch as fhall be prefent in perfon, or by
proxy, twelve directors for the term of one year thereafter, and on the fame day
annually, for ever thereafter, a like election fhall be made; and in cafe of refufal,
death, refignation, disqualification, or removal out of the ftate, of any director,
the remaining directors, at their meeting thereafter, fhall elect, by ballot, another
perfon qualified as aforefaid in his place for the refidue of the year; the directors,
or any feven of them, fhall, at the firft meeting after every general election, elect,
by a majority of the members prefent, by ballot, from among the ftockholders,
a prefident, who fhall whether a director or not, be thereupon entitled to all
the powers and privileges of one, and if he was before a director, another direc-
tor fhall he elected as aforefaid, fo as to keep up the number of directors pre-
fcribed by this act, exclusive of the prefident; and in cafe of refufal, death, re-
fignation, difqualification, or removal out of the ftate, of the prefident, the di-
rectors fhall meet, as foon as conveniently can be thereafter, and elect another
prefident, in the manner before directed.




II. And be it enacted, That the ftockholders in the faid company fhall be
and they are hereby incorporated, and constituted a body politic, by the name of
The Prefident, Directors and Company, of the Elizabeth Turnpike Road, and
by the fame name fhall have fucceffion during the continuance of this incor-
poration and the faid ftockholders and their fucceffors, by the name aforefaid,
may fue and be fued, anfwer and be anfwered, in any court of law or equity in
this ftate, or elfewhere, and may do and execute every other matter and thing,
by the name aforefaid, that they are authorifed to do in virtue of this act, and
fhall have power to make a feal, and alter, break and renew the fame, ac-
cording to their will and pleafure.

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Session Laws, 1797
Volume 652, Page 58   View pdf image
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