L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
vefted in the faid body corporate, and their fucceffors, for ever; and the faid
corporation, with the confent and approbation of nine members thereof, fhall
and they are hereby declared to be capable of bargaining and felling, leafing and
conveying, any part of the faid prepay, or any other property which may here-
after be acquired by the faid corporation, in as full and effectual a manner as any
perfon or body corporate may or can do.
Minifter fhall
be prefident,
VI. And be it enacted, That at all meetings of the faid corporation the
minifter for the time being fhall be the prefident, and in cafe of the abfence, re-
moval or death, of the minifter, the lay members, of the corporation may ap-
point one of their own body prefident pro tempore, who, during fuch abfence, or
in the cafe of removal or death until the appointment of another, minifter, fhall
have all the authority and privileges of a president.
And fhall no-
minate per-
fons, &c.
VII. And be it enacted, That the prefident fhall nominate and appoint three
perfons to be the judges of each and every election that fhall or may be held for
the electing of the lay members of the faid corporation, and that fuch nomina-
tion and appointment fhall be made a reafonable time before each election.
Acts, &c. to
be figned, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That all acts or deeds of the faid corporation fhall
be figned by the prefident, in behalf of the corporation, and fealed with their
corporate feal; and all deeds by them for the conveyance of any lands and tene-
ments of the corporation, which by the law of the land ought to be acknow-
ledged and recorded, fhall be figned and fealed as aforefaid, and fhall alfo be ac-
knowledged in due form by the prefident, as fuch, in behalf of the corporation;
and all acts or deeds of the faid body corporate, fo authenticated, fhall be valid
and effectual in law.
may purchafe
property, &c.
IX. And be it enacted, That the faid corporation fhall be capable of pur-
chafing hereafter real and perfonal property, not exceeding in value the fum of
fix thoufand dollars current money of the United States.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to alter the mode of collecting the county tax in Caecil
County to be
laid off, &c.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the levy court in and for Caecil county fhall, at their next levy court, and
annually thereafter, provided they fhall be of opinion that it will be for
the benefit of faid county, be authorifed. and empowered, and they are hereby
authorifed and empowered, to lay off faid county into any number of diftricts not
exceeding five, and then and there appoint fit and proper perfons as and for collec-
tors for faid county; that is to fay, one collector for each diftrict, who fhall have
been refident in the faid county for one year before the faid appointments; pro-
vided that no divifion of the faid county, or appointment of a collector or col-
lectors as aforefaid, fhall at any time be made, unlefs a majority of the juftices of
faid county fhall be prefent at the time of making fuch divifion and appointment.
Collector to
have notice,
II. And be it enacted, That each perfon who fhall be appointed collector as
aforefaid fhall have notice of his appointment as foon as conveniently may be by
the juftices of the faid levy court, and fhall, within ten days thereafter, appear
before the juftices aforefaid, on a day by the faid juftices to be appointed, and
then enter into bond before faid juftices, with two fufficient fecurities, which faid
principal and fecurities fhall, each be feized in fee-fimple of a clear real eftate to
the full value of the whole amount put into the hands of faid principal for col-
lection; which faid bond fhall be taken in double the fum to be collected by the
faid collector in his refpective diftrict, with condition to the like effect with the
condition of bonds entered into by the collectors of the feveral counties of this
ftate, which faid bond fhall be witneffed by any three of the faid juftices, and by
them forthwith be lodged in the clerk's office of faid county, to be there re-
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